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Dieses Thema hat 7 Antworten
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metal-eddie Offline

Eddies Pate

Beiträge: 2.957
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25.03.2010 17:31
Saxon - Heavy Metal Thunder - The Movie Zitat · Antworten

The Time has come to close your eyes...

maniacdom Offline


Beiträge: 1.364
Punkte: 1.364

25.03.2010 18:42
#2 RE: Saxon - Heavy Metal Thunder - The movie Zitat · Antworten

6 Stunden Saxon! Volles Programm.

Hört sich gut an, was der MH da ankündigt.

Tillmann Offline

Eddies Pate

Beiträge: 2.445
Punkte: 2.445

25.03.2010 18:49
#3 RE: Saxon - Heavy Metal Thunder - The movie Zitat · Antworten

Wird auf jeden Fall gekauft

"I'll be back better than ever now with the new diet - no smoking, no drinking and daily exercises." - Brian Doerner

*** ***

The only REAL guitar hero:

*** ***

nukular Offline

Metal Fan

Beiträge: 380
Punkte: 380

25.03.2010 19:11
#4 RE: Saxon - Heavy Metal Thunder - The movie Zitat · Antworten

Da hat der Hammer einfach den letzten Newsletter der Vorbesteller genommen,üübersetzt, gekürzt und veröffentlicht. So hieß das ganze im ursprünglich:

SAXON: Heavy Metal Thunder - The Movie (23rd March)


Sincere apologies for the continued delay in getting the DVDs of Saxon: Heavy Metal Thunder out to you. As well as the extra footage
found by Biff (see his note below), Paul Quinn has also just managed to scan his photo archive and has emailed it to us for inclusion in
the film. That’s all done now, and we can exclusively tell you that the DVD is on its way to be manufactured today!! It will be two weeks
before it gets sent out to you all.

It won't be long now and we honestly can't wait for you to see it. It's been a true labour of love, one that we've enjoyed making
with you, and we greatly value your patience and support, as do Saxon. Without you, this film could not have been made. There's no
doubt in our minds that when you sit down to watch the film, and all of the amazing extra’s we’ve crammed in (over 6 hours worth of
material, with even more stuff which we’re planning to make available online to purchasers), you'll agree it’s been worth the wait.
We're looking forward to holding our copies in our hands too.

We can now reveal a finalised list of the DVD contents:

· Heavy Metal Thunder – The Movie

· Saxon Live in Germany in 1981

· St George’s Day concert 2008

· The Eagle & the Bomber – on tour with Motörhead, ’79 – ‘09

· On a Crusade – Archive interviews from recording ‘Crusader’

· No Excuses – Archive footage from the ‘Innocence is No Excuse’ recording sessions

· Building the Labyrinth – Recording ‘Into the Labyrinth’

Two other bits of news: we’re being featured in next month’s Classic Rock Magazine – we’re part of a feature on rock documentaries,
and a specially-edited 15-minute segment of the film is being included on a free DVD given away with the magazine. It tells the tale of
Saxon’s first tour with Motörhead in 1979 and is very entertaining. It’s slightly different to the version on the actual DVD because we were
only allowed to use two music tracks on the Classic Rock segment (there’s loads of music on the full DVD version).

We’re also looking to smash our way into the UK DVD music charts. Only UK sales count, so if you’re from the UK and know someone
who hasn’t bought the DVD yet, get them to do it NOW! I’m sure you agree, it would be great to see Saxon in the charts again, getting
the recognition they deserve. All we need is another 150 UK sales (and for Michael Jackson to gracefully leave the charts) and we could
have a number one!

If you have any comments or questions, please send them to where we’ll try to reply to them as soon as
we can.

Kindest regards,

Zara Jones

Production Manager

Coolhead Productions.

Hi all out there in ROCKTOPIA!

We have been working on the Heavy Metal Thunder film and we've decided to include a
short film of download 2008. We feel this was such an important event in our
recent career that it has to be included. This means the release to those of you
who have pre ordered it there will be a delay for a while. After all it's all about
quality not quantity. After seeing all of the DVD last night I think you will love
it, so don't blame Coolhead. It's my fault wanting to give you the best documentary
that we possibly can.

Biff Byford.

Jetzt ist es Auslegungssache, ob die 6 Stunden jeder bekommt oder ob es sich auf das Bonusprogramm für die Vorbesteller handelt, die die DVD ja teilweise finanziert haben und eine wesentlich umfangreichere Fassung versprochen bekamen. Dafür hat die DVD eben auch 35€ inkl Versand aus England gekostet und ich für meinen Teil warte seit Oktober darauf. Zusätzlich werden alle Vorbesteller in den Credits vermerkt und bekommen später die Chance, Material, dass es nicht mehr auf die DVD geschafft hat, kostenlos herunterzuladen. Für alles weitere empfehle ich diesem Thread als Informationsquelle:

Aces Eddie Offline

Eddies Pate

Beiträge: 2.300
Punkte: 2.300

26.03.2010 18:52
#5 RE: Saxon - Heavy Metal Thunder - The movie Zitat · Antworten

Geil ! Pflichtkauf !

Iron What? Iron Fuckin´Maiden! Thats What!


MacEddie Offline


Beiträge: 29
Punkte: 29

17.04.2010 16:00
#6 RE: Saxon - Heavy Metal Thunder - The movie Zitat · Antworten

Muß ich mir auch unbedingt kaufen, nur wann kommt sie endlich auf dem Markt?

nukular Offline

Metal Fan

Beiträge: 380
Punkte: 380

17.04.2010 16:01
#7 RE: Saxon - Heavy Metal Thunder - The movie Zitat · Antworten

dauert noch ein bisschen:

To all of our Associate Producers,

OK – we realise you were hoping to have the DVD in your hands by now. We were hoping the same. The discs were sent off some time ago to the company in Germany doing the authoring, but there have been a few glitches, and the project has been delayed yet again. It’s nobody’s fault – it’s just one of those unfortunate things.

So now we’ve got a new timeline, which includes contingency allowances.

· The final authoring and testing process will be complete on Friday April 23rd at the latest. By this time the cover and booklet should have been printed.

· The manufacturing process will then take 10 – 14 days (maybe quicker if the artwork manufacturing process has gone smoothly). Assuming 14 working days, the discs should be complete and ready for another round of testing by Thursday 13th May.

· The discs should then arrive back in Britain on Monday May 17th, ready for shipping to the World’s Most Patient Fans. If the contingency is not used, this could be much earlier.

Again, all we can do is offer our sincere apologies for the continued delay. We are very proud of this whole project, and we are sure you will be too.

I know it’s a long wait, but I’m sure you’ll agree, once you watch it, that it will have been worth every minute.

Thanks again for your continued support and huge amounts of patience.

Craig Hooper,

Coolhead Productions Ltd

P.s For those of you who haven’t yet seen it, there is a free 15minute exert of the film on DVD in this months issue of Classic Rock. Doc & Roll!

nukular Offline

Metal Fan

Beiträge: 380
Punkte: 380

03.06.2010 23:18
#8 RE: Saxon - Heavy Metal Thunder - The movie Zitat · Antworten

Es gibt Neuigkeiten. Kurz zusammengefasst: Die Vorbesteller dürften ihre DVDs in den nächsten Tagen bekommen, weil sie endlich unterwegs sind. Die regulären DVDs, die nur halb soviel Inhalt haben, haben allerdings weder einen Termin für den Verkaufsstart noch wurden Verträge bezüglich des Vertriebes abgeschlossen.

Dear Associate Producers,

Over the next week or so you should all be finally receiving your long awaited DVDs. At last!!

Thank you so much for your patience and support – you’ve now earned the right to put your feet up for six hours or so and watch the whole thing from beginning to end.

But your role as an Associate Producer doesn’t stop there. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to spread the word about how great the film is, raise Saxon’s profile off the back of it, and, if you’re in the UK, get Saxon to the top of the DVD charts!

Remember, this is YOUR film – let’s make it a success together.

You all probably know a few people who like Saxon but weren’t prepared to put any money up before the DVD was physically finished. Well, now’s their time to buy. The Limited Special Editions are just that – very limited and very special. There are only 3,000 copies left. The standard edition (which doesn’t yet have a release date and no distribution deal as yet) will be only about half the size. If they want the special edition they’d better act quickly before they’re gone.

There are many ways you can spread the word. Here are just a few suggestions:

1. Email at least 10 friends and tell them about it, and post messages on any and all forums or Facebook groups you’re a part of. Feel free to cut and paste the following message, or adapt it to suit you:

Remember the first time you heard SAXON? Motorcycle Man – Denim & Leather – Dallas 1pm – Strangers In The Night? Classics, as are so many more from their epic back catalogue. But they are so often the forgotten heroes of British heavy Metal. Now you can relive their power and the glory with the stunning new documentary ‘Heavy Metal Thunder’. It charts their amazing story and includes reams of rare archive footage, including the Bomber Tour with Motorhead in ’79; the Strong Arm tour of ’81, all the way to headlining Wacken in front of 90,000 fans in 2009. It’s funny, emotional and very loud! Even the wife/ girlfriend/ dog will enjoy it! And best of all, I helped make it and I’ve got an Associate Producer credit on the film. But there’s less than 3,000 copies left so you need to buy it now! You won’t regret it – it’s a cracking story filled with so many true metal classics you’ll need to watch it again and again. You can buy it at and then follow the link to Townsend Records. Or you can buy it on Amazon after June 7th. If you want to check out some clips of the film first, go to Part of my job as Associate Producer In Charge of Marketing means I’ve got to get this message out to as many people as possible, so I’d love it if you could forward this to all your mates and post it on Facebook or any forums you go on. Thanks – now don’t forget to buy it!

2. Tweet! If any of you go on Twitter, try this one:

Saxon: Heavy Metal Thunder The Movie: the best MetalDoc ever! And I’m an Associate Producer! Buy it @

3. Reviews! Post your reviews wherever you can: forums, Facebook, Amazon, rock websites, your local newspaper... anywhere you think would be useful! We’re not going to give you a review to cut and paste – it needs to be your own opinion (we’re very confident you’re going to love the film and so the reviews will be positive). If you’re hoping to get your review published professionally (such as a newspaper or professional website), aim for around 300 words. Don’t forget to mention where to buy it and that it’s a special and very limited edition. For fans around the world, it would be great to get mentions across the globe!

4. Word of mouth! This is especially useful at the upcoming summer festivals. Tell your mates, tell the people you meet at the bar, use it as a chat-up line. The easiest place to tell them to go to buy it when you’re chatting is If you’re going to the cinema to see the new Rush movie (obviously a proper marketing budget there...), tell people as you come out that the Saxon film is loads better...

5. Marketing ideas: We’re only a very small team, so we need your ideas for selling the rest of these films. Keep them brief if possible and please remember that we spent the last of our marketing budget on music licensing for the film! Send all of your ideas to the email address below.

6. Don’t rip it off! As Associate Producers, encourage everyone you speak to not to download it illegally off the net, and please don’t put it on any file sharing sites. Remember, we’re not backed up by a record company who can absorb those dents in their sales.

Remember – Think Not What Saxon Can Do For You, But What You Can Do For Saxon!

Thanks everyone. If you see me at Download, say hello. I’m trying to get a T-shirt with the front cover on it so I should be easily recognisable!

Enjoy the film!

Craig Hooper
Saxon: Heavy Metal Thunder – The Movie
Coolhead Productions Ltd


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