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Dieses Thema hat 5 Antworten
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Watto Offline


Beiträge: 5.295
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04.10.2003 12:18
neue dvd?!?! Zitat · Antworten

LEst das mal - ist von

This was posted in our forums by TGD in regards to JohnnyB filming the gigs on the tour:

Firstly Johnny is hoping to record every concert but because of stupid American union rules he cannot record some concerts. If he is seen using a video camera they will fine the band sometimes as much as $40,000. `he did however record every european concert. They are also recording every concert using a very expensive Pro Tools rig which records 36 tracks of audio every night. Everything is done on Apple Macs because they are so reliable.
The reason he is recording every concert is because there is only him filming. This means he cannot record every band member, every song, every concert so ..... he records different things different nights. By the time the tour is finished he should have, every band member, every song from every angle

As the band have more than one set of stage clothing and the fact their wardrobe lady Luci performs miracles every day the band are "seen" to wear the same clothes so this helps continuity.

As to what is happening with the footage .... nobody knows yet. The tour doesn't finish to summer next year so by the time Steve and Johnny get in the studio and go through the footage it will be at least 18 months - 2 years before anything is edited and released.

I hope there is nobody that disagrees with me that Rock In Rio was worth the wait. Whatever is done with the future "World Tour Video" it will be as awesome and in 5.1 surround sound like Rio. Johnny is also filming candid stuff, fan stuff and "making of's" and interviews with all the crews for PROPER behind the scenes extras.

As to guys who cannot afford it Steve and Johnny are more aware than ANYBODY that they do not want to saturate the Maiden market with releases. Why do you think you haven't seen any release of the Clive Burr footage yet ? which Johnny organised as an 6 camera shoot all three nights (under the guidance of long term video expert and Maiden icon Laz).

I would imagine the first time you see any of this footage will be video extras on CD singles and DVD singles etc.

So ends the gospel according to "TGD"

Whatever Maiden do to make the product the best they can for the fans, some bugger moans. You cannot please all the fans all the time. It is impossible and NO BAND IN HISTORY has ever done it as some buggers in this world are NEVER satisfied. We feed these people to EDDIE. Be happy the band are filming all this sh*t so you can see it in the future and trust them to release it at the right time.

If there are things you think Johnny should film or backstage items you would like to see as future extras why not let him know.

ich weiß ja net - nur eine kamera und dann noch die tatsache das schon wieder ne dvd....

icq: 127831519

Janick Gers ( Gast )

05.10.2003 13:19
#2 RE:neue dvd?!?! Zitat · Antworten

Also mir wäre es nur recht dass maiden ne neue DVD machen würden!!!
Aber das habe ich ja schon mal erwähnt!!

Elriemes Offline

Eddies Pate

Beiträge: 2.349
Punkte: 2.349

05.10.2003 14:48
#3 RE:neue dvd?!?! Zitat · Antworten

Ich würde sie auch direkt kaufen!!!

Seven downward slopes
Seven bloodied hops
Seven are your burning fires
Seven your desires.....

Ancient Spirit ( Gast )

10.10.2003 19:34
#4 RE:neue dvd?!?! Zitat · Antworten

ich glaube kaum, dass IM ne DVD veröffentlichen, wo nur mit einer Kamera gefilmt wurde... mal abwarten...
ich denke mal, dass diese Aufnahmen für die offizielle HP verwendet wird, wo die Jungs ja öfters Clips uploaden...
aber ich würde mir auch alles kaufen
Up the Irons

Heady ( Gast )

11.10.2003 14:29
#5 RE:neue dvd?!?! Zitat · Antworten

Ja,glaube auch nich das Sowas mal auf DVD kommt,weil auf die Amateur treppen stellen die sich glaub ich nich. Zumal der Schnitt dann ja Grauselig sein dürfte.... NE DANKE.
When you know that your time has come around. You know you'll be prepared for it.
Say your last goodbyes to everyone. Drink and say a prayer for it

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Ancient Spirit ( Gast )

13.10.2003 19:00
#6 RE:neue dvd?!?! Zitat · Antworten

Dafür sind IRON MAIDEN allen voran Steve selbst zu anspruchsvoll...
Up the Irons


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