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Dieses Thema hat 11 Antworten
und wurde 399 mal aufgerufen
Maidenaustria ( Gast )

14.11.2003 19:40
Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

leute absolut geil
rein mit euch

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

14.11.2003 19:45
#2 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

hier mal ein kleiner auszug ich bin maidenaustria aber ich war noch nicht drann
leider alles in schwedisch

Dave Murray säger: Hej till alla som vill vara med och chatta!
Dave Murray säger: Ja, det här är Dance of deth tour. Det blir en ny, väldigt teatralisk produktion med nya Eddies och låtar från det nya albumet.
Kilas säger: Hi Dave! Who has influenced you in your guitarplaying? I think you have quite a unique style.
Dave Murray säger: Tack! Jag skulle nog säga Jimmi Page, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck och en hel del bluesgitarrister. Alla som börjarr på J, ha ha,
Emil säger: Which is your favourite english footballteam? What kind of music do you most often listen to on your free time?
Dave Murray säger: Jag hyar blivit ett Totenham fan. Jag följde familjetraditionen och blev ett Spurs-fan. Och jag lyssnar till blues, jazz, rock – jag är ganska bred och lyssnar på det mesta.
delacroix säger: Do you see any difference between the swedish audience than other countries?
Dave Murray säger: De rikmtiga ansen har samma inställning – de är passionerade och trogna och vill gå till konserterna för att ha kul. De svenska fansen har dock fölkjt oss, så jag tror att det finns kanske lite fler riktigt trogna fans i Sverige.
Public Enema säger: how many guitars do you have Dave?
Dave Murray säger: Jag har sparat i 20 år. Så jagg har nog över 50. Men inte fler än 60. Min favorit är en Fender Stratocaster.
Osiris säger: How can i make my Girlfriend like your music?
Dave Murray säger: Visa henne ett omslag med Eddie. Eller förrretsten – ta henne ut på middag – i Eddiemask.
grimmy säger: Hi Dave, i love Iron Maiden, and I just wonder whats your favorite Maiden song is?
Dave Murray säger: Just nu är det för många för att säga en. Men jag älskar att spela den nya låten Dance of death.
Metal_Maniac säger: When will you play in

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

14.11.2003 19:57
#3 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

kann jemand schwedisch das was jetzt kommt wäre sehr intersant zu wissen ???????????????????

I love your new album, how long do we have to wait for the next?
Dave Murray säger: Låt mig se. Vi brukar vänta 18 månader mellan gångerna. Nu får ni kanske vänta ett par år, men under tiden lär det komma lite livematerial eller en ny DVD. Men vi gör definitivt ytterligare ett album.
Dave Murray säger: Ha det bra allihop! Ett stort tack till alla som varit med och cattade här på Och ett stort tack till alla fans som stött oss genom åren.

Wickerman ( gelöscht )

14.11.2003 20:01
#4 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

Seit wann kann Dave Murray schwedisch?

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

14.11.2003 20:02
#5 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

bei dieser seite isses glaub ich so das die die antworten von dave automatisch für duie schweden übersetzten

The Clansman ( Gast )

14.11.2003 20:08
#6 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

hmmm...ich werde mal schwedisch und norwegisch lernen...aber jetzt versteh ich noch nüchzs!


Maidenaustria ( Gast )

14.11.2003 20:14
#7 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

so der chat is glaub ich vorbei bin leider nicht drann gekommen
alles was ich rausgefunden habe
siehe DOD DVD Threat
da können wir glaub ich wieder zu machen sorry aber mehr hab ich da jetzt net gefunden

Elriemes Offline

Eddies Pate

Beiträge: 2.349
Punkte: 2.349

14.11.2003 20:14
#8 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

Ich Verstehe 0

Seven downward slopes
Seven bloodied hops
Seven are your burning fires
Seven your desires.....

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

14.11.2003 20:15
#9 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

hier nomal das ganze interview das ich mitbekommen habe
und das ganze jetzt auf englisch übersetzt

Here's a translation of the chat with Dave.

Dave Murray says: Hi to everyone who wants to join the chat!

Ventari says: Hi! Do you have any surprises for tomorrows gig in Gothenburg?

Dave Murray says: Yeah, this is the 'Dance of Death tour'. It will be a new, very theatralic(sp?) production with new Eddies and songs from the new album.

Kilas says: Hi Dave! Who have influated your way of playing the guitar? I think that you have a very personal style.

Dave Murray says: Thanks! I'd probably say Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck. Everyone who's name starts with a J, ha ha. And several blues giutarists.

Emil says: Which is your favourite english soccer team? Which type of music do you listen to on your spare time?

Dave Murray says: I have become a Tottenham-fan. I followed the family tradition and became a Spurs-fan. I listen to blues, jazz, rock – I have quite a wide taste and listens to just about anything.

delacroix says: Do you see any differences between the Swedish audience and the audiences in other countries?

Dave Murray says: The true fans are the same – they are passionated amd faithful and wants to attend to the concerts to enjoy themselves. But a lot of Swedish fans have followed us during our tours so I think that their might be a couple of more really faithful fans in Sweden.

Public Enema says: How many guitars do you have, Dave?

Dave Murray says: I have collected guitars for 20 years so I probably have more than 50. No more than 60 though. My favourite is a Fender Stratocaster.

Osiris says: How do I get my girlfriend to like your music?

Dave Murray says: Show her a cover with Eddie. Or rather, take her to dinner...wearing an Eddie mask.

grimmy says: Hi Dave, I love Iron Maiden. I'm just wondering which Maiden song is your favourite?

Dave Murray says: I like to many to pick just one. But right now I love to play the new song 'Dance of death'.

Metal_Maniac says: When will be the next time you play in Sweden?

Dave Murray says: In the future we will only play festivals. But tomorrow we'll play in Gothenburg, ha ha. Seriously though - we will be back in Sweden.

jimmy says: Hi Dave. What kind of advice could you give to help motivate an unexperienced guitarist?

Dave Murray says: Listen to a lot of music. And play with emotion but with few notes. Less more is more. Have fun - and listen to BB King. That will help you.

aleNjus says: What is your favourite food?

Dave Murray says: I'd say mexican food. It is delicious - with a good cerveza.

PontusA says: Which is your favourite Swedish band?

Dave Murray says: I love ABBA!

jan-erik says: I've seen you live 27 times and you always look very happy. Are you really always that happy when you play live?

Dave Murray says: Yes, music should make you feel good. Music is therapy. And thanks a lot for having been to 27 concerts.

Patric 25 says: What do you like to do when you have some free time?

Dave Murray says: I like to play tennis and golf. Watch a movie and do ordinary things. On a tour you become quite spoiled an afterwards you have to live a bit more natural - take out the garbage and stuff like that.

LocSin says: I love your new album. How long must we wait for the next one?

Dave Murray says: Lets see. we usually take around 18 months between our albums. This time you might have to wait a couple of years but during that time there will be some new live material or a new DVD. But we will definetly make one more album.

Dave Murray says: Have a nice night everyone. A big thanks to everyone who joined this chat on And a big thanks to all the fans who have supported us through the years

Torian ( Gast )

15.11.2003 23:08
#10 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

Kann man das net ins Deutsche übersetzen?
Wär jedenfalls praktisch.

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

16.11.2003 00:30
#11 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

@ torian siehe dod dvd da hab ich das wichtigst übersetzt

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

16.11.2003 13:09
#12 RE:Chatte grad mit Dave Murray Zitat · Antworten

ich glaub hier kan ich zumachen den der chat is eh vorbei und diskutiert wird da auch nimmer

I know what i want
and i say what i want
and no one can take it away

Bruce 45!!! »»

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