John Peel,der u.a. die Peel Sessions,bei denen viele Undergroundbands wie Carcass ihr Können zeigen durften unterhielt, ist letzte Nacht gestorben.R.I.P.
Er war Moderator bei BBC und gab in seiner Sendezeit Bands die neuartige Musik spielten, die Möglichkeit ein Forum zu finden.Die Peel Sessions waren quasi ein Konzert im Radiosender.Die Scheiben sind in Sammlerbörsen sauteuer...Ist schon recht bekannt.Ich werd dich trotzdem net schlagen.
habe von diesem menschen bisher auch nix gehört. nunja r.i.p
Nu Metal doesn't suck....that would be giving it way too much credit. Nu Metal finished what Limp Bizkit started: creating a new genre of suck. Nu Metal bands took suck to a whole new level, a level that put Limp Bizkit to shame. Fred Durst is trying his ****edest to suck harder than Nu Metal now, and yet he has failed in every attempt. So everyone who says Nu Metal sucks is wrong, because it's not good enough to suck.
Nu Metal doesn't suck....that would be giving it way too much credit. Nu Metal finished what Limp Bizkit started: creating a new genre of suck. Nu Metal bands took suck to a whole new level, a level that put Limp Bizkit to shame. Fred Durst is trying his ****edest to suck harder than Nu Metal now, and yet he has failed in every attempt. So everyone who says Nu Metal sucks is wrong, because it's not good enough to suck.