aloha freunde, wie ich euch schon mal kurz gesagt habe habe ich und meine freunde aus Wien auch die jungs am grazer hauptplatz getroffen mein ganz besonderer dank gilt dem Martin (Maidenaustria) der mir den tipp gegeben hatt
hier sind die bilder die ich gemacht habe ..wenn ihr mehr sehen wollt schaut auf
hier könnt ihr meine signierte fahne betrachten
bilder von robert und co.
und das geilste ist das wir sogar in Nickos diaries erwähnt wurden ....
.....In the afternoon before the show I had a wee stroll around the beautiful city centre of Graz. Most lovely place it is I can tell you. I bumped into Jan sitting outside one of the many coffee café and joined him for a cup of Joe. We chatted and then were met by a bunch of wonderful fans from the Austrian fan club. We chatted with them, took some smudges and signed a bunch of stuff for them. They were all really nice people. Well, after all our fans ARE ALL cool people. After we said our farewells Jan and I headed back to the hotel. On the way we met Steve, he was looking for somewhere to eat but as it was getting close to check out time we all decided to have a spot of nosebag at the venue. .... As we got to the hotel all the guys and girls that Jan and I had seen were waiting outside the hotel. They pounced on Harry. So Jan and I said bye and went to get ready to leave. It was a 10-minute drive to the gig. When I arrived I had a spot of grub and a chat with Rod about a charity that I’m involved with. It is a very close thing to my heart. I have to go over details with Rod but I may be selling a wrist band with my message of hope on it. The proceeds will go equally to Great Ormand street Hospital for Children and for Latrines and clean water. My dear friend Charlotte Da Vita is the organizer and she has many events planned. She is a most amazing woman. I’ll let you all know when and where later. ....
was mir gerade aufgefallen ist das wir nichtmal ein foto von uns zwei gemacht haben martin aber bei der ganzen histerie die dort geherrscht hat ist es auch verständlich ____________________________________________________
das kannst laut sagen!! ausserdem hab ich noch deine nummer um dich zu nerven ____________________________________________________
och man ihr Lucker Aber die Seite hab ich schon lange gecheckt...sind geile Bilder geworden!
So...wer hat Bock das gnaze mit mir zu machen nächste Tour (zu Watto schiel) ____________________________________________________ Metal Needled 24/7... Nothing More To Say