Ich suche die "Gesprochenen"Intros zu den MAiden Songs(Aces High,Alexander The Great,TNOTB etc) Weiß hier jemand,wo man die findet???Würd mich über eure Hilfe freuen
.....Today is born the seventh one Born of woman the seventh son And he in turn of a seventh son He has the power to heal He has the gift of the second sight He is the chosen one So it shall be written So it shal be done.........
Appropos Intros, würd mich mal Interressieren was maiden bisher immer an Intros vor den ersten Songs verwendet haben, zB MARS BRINGER OF WAR.... Weis das wer?
------------------------------------------ THE MARINER COMES TO GERMANY/DK WACKEN 2008/ROSKILDE(???) UP THE IRONS
Als Kleine MP§ ohne Musik.Einfach die Stimmen ohne das dazu gehörige Lied
.....Today is born the seventh one Born of woman the seventh son And he in turn of a seventh son He has the power to heal He has the gift of the second sight He is the chosen one So it shall be written So it shal be done.........