This is it. The original Forbidden line-up will be getting back together for a few shows in 2008! That means Russ Anderson, Craig Locicero, Paul Bostaph, Matt Camacho, and Glen Alvelais- will bring something that so many of their peers, old school fans and especially the younger generation of fans that never got to see Forbidden live have been asking for. A TRUE Forbidden Re-union!!!
Craig Locicero stated , "We want to show everyone what we used to do was as relevant and powerful as anybody else of that era. The gravity of our influence is really dawning on us now and we're very humbled. We owe it in turn back to those who supported our influenced us in the past. We'll be concentrating mostly on Forbidden Evil and Twisted Into Form material to give the people what they want. The time is right and it's gonna be a lot of fun. 2008 will also be the 20th anniversary for the release Forbidden Evil. It'll be VERY HEAVY and we're all excited to get started."
Paul Bostaph said this, "Though out the years I've been asked about Forbidden by many people. Fans and friends alike have been wanting to see us play live again. I'm very happy to see this become a reality! I've been honored to play in some great bands. To play with Craig, Glenn, Matt and Russ(a truly great vocalist) again will be a longtime wish come true. I hope Forbidden fans get a kick outta this as much as I will!"
Forbidden is looking to book one Bay Area show for late January early February and look into some Festivals in Europe, Japan and Australia starting in late May. These will all be exclusive gigs and there are no plans for a full-on tour, at least not for the near very future. Locicero last says, "We'll put our Blood and Guts into it and give it all we've got! Get ready to have your heads ripped off Motherf*ckers!!!"
Any promoters and booking agents that need to get a hold of the band can reach out to them at, for the time being.
Naja da Flynn nicht mitmacht interessierts mich eh net Halt ne Reunion mehr, mittlerweile sind ja ReUnions wirklich gross in Mode
und angeblich nur von den ersten beiden alben, hab mir den obrigen langen text net durchgelesen hab in nem anderen forum schon vor paar tagen davon gehört/gelesen
04.02.2009: Forbidden im Studio Nach einigen Personalwechseln, sind FORBIDDEN nun endgültig auf dem Weg zu neuen Ufern, äh, Alben. Das neue Album soll erwachsener klingen als "Forbidden Evil", versprechen die Thrasher. Ein "Twisted Into Form", in das die Erfahrung der letzten 20 Jahre gepackt ist. Die Jungs zeigen sich voll des Lobs und haben auch einige lustige Anekdoten über die Produktion zu berichten.