man sollte dich verbrennen weil du maiden scheiben verkaufst :P ne ne __________________________________________________ Hand of Fate is moving and the Finger points to you!
aber echt! _____________________________________________ If you´re gonna die, die with your boots on. If you´re gonna try, well stick around. Gonna cry, just move along. If you´re gonna die, you´re gonna die.
hm... mann könnts auch so sehen... man tut damit anderen einen Gefallen... _____________________________ I've kept my eyes open wide Through my dream I was given a hint: My sky is darker than yours, my star is brighter than yours A glance to the moonlight shadow reveals the runes of yesterday I am of Astral Strain, my sky is darker than thine
wasn jetzt los???????ja es gibt halt leute die einfach Maiden sachen sammelten und jetzt merkten das sie es los werden wollen zu gunsten anderen...wahrscheinlich bin ich hier der einzige der das versteht bevor ihr euch beschwehrt freut euch lieber das der oder die jenige solche schöne sachen für so wenig geld hergibt!!!!
_______________________________________________________ With the glimmer of metal my moment is ready to strike
#11 RE:verkaufe Metal-CDs - IRON MAIDEN und andere
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achja, leute leute *close*
Nu Metal doesn't suck....that would be giving it way too much credit. Nu Metal finished what Limp Bizkit started: creating a new genre of suck. Nu Metal bands took suck to a whole new level, a level that put Limp Bizkit to shame. Fred Durst is trying his ****edest to suck harder than Nu Metal now, and yet he has failed in every attempt. So everyone who says Nu Metal sucks is wrong, because it's not good enough to suck.