Laut dem Cover Aufdruck soll Master of Disguise (imo bestes Speed Metal Album aller Zeiten) ja Remixed und Remastered sein. Da bin ich ja mal auf gespannt.
Laut dem Cover Aufdruck soll Master of Disguise (imo bestes Speed Metal Album aller Zeiten) ja Remixed und Remastered sein. Da bin ich ja mal auf gespannt.
Da kann man dann ja nur sagen: Für ALLE, die diese Band und/ oder die Scheiben nicht kennen. KAUFEN KAUFEN KAUFEN!!!!!!!!
die Archives schmeissen nur einmal Savage Grace aus
Er meint die hier. Klingen aber ziemlich langweilig:
"Savage Grace was Detroit's progressive rock band of the late 1960s. With chops galore and a background rooted in jazz and R&B (with some good old fashioned Detroit rock'n'roll thrown in for good measure), Savage Grace stood out from the rest of the Michigan bands as something special and as something quite eclectic. With Guitarist Ron Koss, keyboardist John Seanor, and drummer Larry Zack as the nucleus of a jazzy trio called Scarlet Letter (with two albums on Mainstream), the addition of vocalist/bassist Al Jacquez transformed the group into Savage Grace. The band was soon signed to Reprise and released their eponymous debut album in 1969. Upon moving to Los Angeles the following year, the group embarked on a second album, which took almost two years to complete. By 1972, the trail had ended and the group went their separate ways. Savage Grace never achieved the success that seemed like their due; certainly their musicianship was top notch and their songwriting was good enough, but in the long run, was also perhaps a bit too eclectic to find a mainstream audience. ~ Cub Koda, All Music Guide"
-------------------------------------------------- "Une amour ce n'est pas seulement... un homme... fuck... une amie... ce n'est pas... c'est plus en bas, dans la tête, dans le coeur, dans toute la forme... wasting love!" (Bruce "Air raid siren" Dickinson live in Paris) CAN YOU SAY KUTULU? (The Vision Bleak)
ich finde das remastern hat sich gelohnt. Beide CDs klingen wirklich geil, besonders bei der MOD ist es ein echter Wohlklang, das original Vinyl hatte ja fast einen Bootleg-Sound.
Muss ich mir unbedingt holen naechste Woche auf Arbeit, bestellt hab ich sie ja
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