If the radiance of a thousand suns Were to burst at once into the sky That would be like the splendor of the Mighty one... I am become Death, The shatterer of Worlds
Naja, da is ja außer Zahlen noch was anderes auf den Tasten
---------------------------------------------- But I should warn everybody watching the televison! They gonna turn over, and Wimbledon’s gonna be on…Or football! But for the next 8 minutes there may be something very strange going on on your television… And if you don’t like Heavy Metal, I advise you to go away, before you heart-attack and die, alright? THE PHAAAAAAANTOOOOM OOOOF THEEEEE OOOPERAAAAA
dann schreib mal ne sms und drück einfach 3mal die 2 etc. und guck, was da rauskommt
If the radiance of a thousand suns Were to burst at once into the sky That would be like the splendor of the Mighty one... I am become Death, The shatterer of Worlds
Zitat von Flash of the BladeLevel 21: 7+1 is klar, das ganze drehen irgendwie auch, aber ich raffs nicht, was rauskommen
haste es raus? ic nämlich nich
Da häng ich auch grad
------------------------------------------------- Oh Well, wherever, wherever you are, Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far. See the blood flow watching it shed up above my head. Iron Maiden wants you for dead.
Bei Level 21 bekomm ich nur den Tipp: 7+1= ?? Das dann drehen.
Hab schon alles versucht, aber s will nich klappen
If the radiance of a thousand suns Were to burst at once into the sky That would be like the splendor of the Mighty one... I am become Death, The shatterer of Worlds
@ flash: naja, dreh die zahl die rauskommt dochmal um 270 °, mals dir am besten auf...was kommt denn dann raus??
@ seventhson: googleearth oder googlemaps sollten dir helfen
---------------------------------------------- But I should warn everybody watching the televison! They gonna turn over, and Wimbledon’s gonna be on…Or football! But for the next 8 minutes there may be something very strange going on on your television… And if you don’t like Heavy Metal, I advise you to go away, before you heart-attack and die, alright? THE PHAAAAAAANTOOOOM OOOOF THEEEEE OOOPERAAAAA
nochmal zu level 15 ich hab das jetzt bei google maps eingegeben und komm zu nem ort...aber was damit machen ich hab schon verschiedene sachen eingegeben, die was mit dem ort zu tun haben...
Zitat von Bohniich hab schon verschiedene sachen eingegeben, die was mit dem ort zu tun haben...
dann is es wohl der falsche ort Was hast du denn wo eingegeben?
---------------------------------------------- But I should warn everybody watching the televison! They gonna turn over, and Wimbledon’s gonna be on…Or football! But for the next 8 minutes there may be something very strange going on on your television… And if you don’t like Heavy Metal, I advise you to go away, before you heart-attack and die, alright? THE PHAAAAAAANTOOOOM OOOOF THEEEEE OOOPERAAAAA
---------------------------------------------- But I should warn everybody watching the televison! They gonna turn over, and Wimbledon’s gonna be on…Or football! But for the next 8 minutes there may be something very strange going on on your television… And if you don’t like Heavy Metal, I advise you to go away, before you heart-attack and die, alright? THE PHAAAAAAANTOOOOM OOOOF THEEEEE OOOPERAAAAA
Nein, ich häng gerade bei der 36, da sollte ein Bild angezeigt werden, wirda aber nicht...Weiß noch nicht ob das Absicht ist oder nicht
Wie weit bist du denn?
---------------------------------------------- But I should warn everybody watching the televison! They gonna turn over, and Wimbledon’s gonna be on…Or football! But for the next 8 minutes there may be something very strange going on on your television… And if you don’t like Heavy Metal, I advise you to go away, before you heart-attack and die, alright? THE PHAAAAAAANTOOOOM OOOOF THEEEEE OOOPERAAAAA