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Dieses Thema hat 100 Antworten
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Maidenaustria ( Gast )

04.11.2003 16:58
#76 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

das sin bilder von madrid
allerdings mit einer handy cam

Bus trip stop for lunch


Palacio Vista Alegre

Brave New World

No more lies

Number of the Beast


This guy was Crazy! Up The Portuguese Flag! hehe

we !!!

Elriemes Offline

Eddies Pate

Beiträge: 2.349
Punkte: 2.349

04.11.2003 18:16
#77 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Für Das Die Vom Handy Sind Gehn Sie Aber Voll!!!
Garnicht Mal So Schlecht!!!

Seven downward slopes
Seven bloodied hops
Seven are your burning fires
Seven your desires.....

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

06.11.2003 22:38
#78 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

hy maidenfans hab da ein geiles iron maiden interview gefunden

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

06.11.2003 22:45
#79 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

und für alle maidenfans die net so gut englisch können ist hier der deutsche link

aber das is sehr schlecht übersetzt
im dienst der maidenfans

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

06.11.2003 23:45
#80 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

aber es is besser wenn ihr die englische version nehmt denn da versteht ihr sicher mehr als auf dieser übersetztung

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

07.11.2003 01:01
#81 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

hier sind fotos aus milano,%20THE%20DANCE%20OF%20DEATH%20TOUR,%20IN%20CONCERT%20AT%20THE%20FILA%20FORUM%20IN%20MILAN&submit=lsearch

TheAssassin ( Gast )

07.11.2003 01:03
#82 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

sind echt starke fotos
Up The Irons!

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

07.11.2003 01:05
#83 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

und hier noch bilder aus stuttgad

Deja Vu ( Gast )

10.11.2003 08:56
#84 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Dieses Interview fand ich auch interesant

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

12.11.2003 12:47
#85 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

so maidenfans
hier sind megabilder aus spanien echt genial

und das sind videos aber leider ohne ton

und wie immer im dienste der maidenfans

Elriemes Offline

Eddies Pate

Beiträge: 2.349
Punkte: 2.349

12.11.2003 13:26
#86 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Die bilder Sind Geil!!
Aber Die Videos Funsen Bei Mir Nit!!!!

Seven downward slopes
Seven bloodied hops
Seven are your burning fires
Seven your desires.....

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

13.11.2003 19:37
#87 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

geiles interview von der gimme ed tour
erster teil ist das

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

15.11.2003 11:41
#88 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

so maidenFans ( nicht gans )

hab da was von dickinson
da kann man nure sagen
danke für nichts mtv

At IRON MAIDEN's sold-out show at Globen in Stockholm, Sweden earlier tonight (November 14), singer Bruce Dickinson slammed MTV Europe for refusing to air the band's new video for the song "Rainmaker".

"I see a lot of faces here in the front who are not even half my age," Dickinson told the crowd. "That's great. We just got some bad news. Not that I care about MTV, but they told us that they won't show the 'Rainmaker' video because they say that our audience is too old for MTV."

IRON MAIDEN's gig in Stockholm was the group's second since they were forced to cancel three shows on their European tour in order to allow Dickinson time to recover from a case of the flu and severe laryngitis.

Dickinson's voice was in excellent shape throughout the concert, and the "air-raid siren" — as Bruce is affectionately known — was able to reach all the high notes, according to several attendees.

tacker ( gelöscht )

17.11.2003 02:28
#89 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

So Jungs noch 12,5 Stunden dann mach ich mich auf den Weg nach Hannover , ich bin
schon so heiß drauf das ich jetzt schon nicht mehr schlafen kann (2:29)! Man das wird.....
Morgen (heute) bin ich wieder zehn Jahre jünger, und verlier drei Kilo Lebendgewicht!!!!
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup the IRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elriemes Offline

Eddies Pate

Beiträge: 2.349
Punkte: 2.349

17.11.2003 11:12
#90 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Dann Wünsche Ich Dir Viel Spass!!!!
Und Bang Eine Runde Für Mich Mit....
Noch 5 Tage Und Ich Komme Mach Paris Unsicher!!

Seven downward slopes
Seven bloodied hops
Seven are your burning fires
Seven your desires.....

tacker ( gelöscht )

17.11.2003 13:29
#91 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Danke, zieh mir noch Rock in Rio rein (DVD) in einer halben Stunde kommen meine Kumpels
und dann gehts LOS!!!!

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

23.11.2003 21:52
#92 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

rieview aus paris
aber sehr lange

Good evening to all of you. I'm just back from the concert in Bercy and here is my review

I arrive at 7pm (local time) . Bercy is half full with fans from 15 to 50 years old.
The youngest fan I see must be 7.
The oldest are an english couple about 65 years old.( Could they be Bruce's parents? )
A stupid 40 years old guy behind me says that Iron Maiden sounded better on stage in 1979 and that they would never reach again that quality of performance !!!

1st part : Helloween starting at 8pm . They played 50 minutes. I'm impressed . They're doing a great show and the crowd is getting hotter and hotter after each song. The sound is good ( not like muderdolls in june) and they manage to set fire to Bercy . We all give them a standing ovation at the end .That doesn't occur often in France for 1st part bands. Their last song ends up in a total mess : they all exchange their guitars and Nicko is taking advantage of the situation to come on stage for a few seconds , greeting the crowd with Helloween. I didn't see very well but I think that part of Iron Maiden and their crew were attending the show from the right side of the stage . All in all a great performance from Helloween

2nd part : Iron Maiden staring at 9:20 pm, played 2 hours
The setlist is the same as in their previous concerts

Wildest dreams : It seems that Bruce was very happy with the final of the rugby world cup and he shot a rugby ball in the crowd before he started to sing

I don't remember the exact order of the songs and I might forget some of them . I think it was :
The trooper
can I play with madness

Then a little speech from Bruce ( all in french of course) . He introduces the next songs from DOD and mentions the fact that DOD reached to n°3 in France ( without the help of MTV)

Dance of Death : sounds great on stage , better than on the album IMO. Very theatrical .

Rainmaker : very punchy. I think it was played a bit faster than the album version

Brave new world
Lord of the flies
Pashendale : unbelievable, with great lights and sound effects. Again very theatrical

No more lies : one of the highlights of the evening. Great vocal performance . Bruce has amazing intonations on that song. It is one of my favorite and it sounds even better on stage
Steve who was quite discreet untill now has suddenly gone totally mad , running and jumping everywhere and banging his head as if he wants to crash it against a wall . You really fell that this is HIS song.

Hallowed be thy name
Fear of the dark : again great performance from Bruce . Another highlight
Iron Maiden : the crowd is now totally crazy

They leave the stage and come back after 5 minutes

New speech from Bruce who introduces the band . And especially Nicko saying he is not an assassin but that the main problem is the way the americain justice is going. He adds "not an assassin , not like Mickael Jackson...." ( it was funny, well not really after all)

Journeyman : sounds great on stage , very good feedback from the crowd. Again very good vocals. Bruce puts all his heart in this song .

Number of the beast
Run to the hills

They greet the crowd and Bruce stays a bit longer to thank us and say we are adorable tonight. I'm not sure he said adorable because we were making so much noise and because of his accent ( it was in french again) but I think that's the word he used

This concert was better than the previous one they did in June. I think one of the reasons for that is that they are playing new songs so they have to surpass themselves. The old songs are more like a routine. I remember in June lot of people didn't stand up during the show. Today everybody stood up from the first note untill the end of the show .
They were all in a very good shape and so was the crowd. Bruce was in a good mood today and we were lucky enough to avoid his traditional ranting. The fusion between the band and the crowd was complete and the new songs were incredibly received.

Now it's time to go to sleep . This is a bit long and I don't know if you will be brave enought to read it all. I did my best to write in a correct english. Hope all of you will understand.

I know what i want
and i say what i want
and no one can take it away

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

26.11.2003 14:15
#93 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

so sieht das dance of death tour programm aus

I know what i want
and i say what i want
and no one can take it away

TheAssassin ( Gast )

26.11.2003 14:18
#94 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

nich schlecht dieses heftchen..obwohl 15 euros ein starker preis is
Up The Irons!

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

26.11.2003 14:19
#95 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

in münchen hats das noch nicht gegeben

I know what i want
and i say what i want
and no one can take it away

TheAssassin ( Gast )

26.11.2003 14:21
#96 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

in stuttgart soviel ich weis auch nicht
Up The Irons!

Man On The Edge ( Gast )

26.11.2003 14:56
#97 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

In Dortmund hab ich's gesehn und ich könnt mir grade in den hintern beissen das ich es mir nich gekauft hab aber naja wenn man bedenkt 15 euro für 28 dünne seiten hmmm...

DmW On The Edge movie @
|\\ Up The Irons //|

Elriemes Offline

Eddies Pate

Beiträge: 2.349
Punkte: 2.349

26.11.2003 16:15
#98 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

In Paris Aber Für 15 € Halt!!!

Seven downward slopes
Seven bloodied hops
Seven are your burning fires
Seven your desires.....

ironreto Offline

Metal Fan

Beiträge: 285
Punkte: 285

26.11.2003 18:27
#99 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

auf dem Bruce-Air Flug 666 hats die Dinger gratis gegeben.....

und noch nen Rainmaker-Regenschutz.....

Watto Offline


Beiträge: 5.295
Punkte: 5.295

27.11.2003 08:44
#100 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

wassen der bruce air flug - habsch´ was verpasts oder was??
achso: ne in stuttgart gabs des noch nicht *ANGRYBIN*

achso der flug wo bruce die ganzen leutz from all the word mitgenommen hat - die ganzen gewinnerfutzis....

icq: 127831519

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