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Maidenaustria ( Gast )

01.10.2003 13:02
Alles zur DANCE OF DEATH Tour Zitat · Antworten

hy maiden fans olgendes die tour steht ja nahe bevor
Maiden sagte das sie dance of death auf der tour spielen werden und bruce sagte das er sich auf diese performancen freuen würde und da hab ich jetzt folgenes gefunden ( ich habs schon mal vor langer zeit gepostet
unter dieser adresse findet ihr eine masken bildnerin und unter spezial order masks sind genau die masken drinnen die auf dem dod cover sind
könnte ja sein das maiden bei dod alle solche masken aufhaben oder??? was meint ihr
schließlich ahtte bruce schon mal mit maske gesungen glaub das war bei live after death
also ich könnte mir das schon so vorstellen das sie beim song dod da mal so richtig gas geben

Watto Offline


Beiträge: 5.295
Punkte: 5.295

01.10.2003 16:48
#2 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

boah sie masken sehen ja da geil aus mann
will haben
zehnmal besser als bei dod

icq: 127831519

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

02.10.2003 13:09
#3 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

so leute wie ich sagte

Iron Maiden bestelleten bei goblin art diese masken und werden diese masken sicherlich aud der dod tour tagen hier ich habe mich nämlich via email mit der künstlerin in verbindung gesetzt und sie schrieb mir das iron maiden diese masken für die dod tour bestelt hat und sie gab mir diesen link

TheAssassin ( Gast )

02.10.2003 13:21
#4 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

na das is ja geil wenn die bei der show solche masken tragen
kanns sowieso fast nicht mehr erwarten bis es soweit ist
Up The Irons!

Watto Offline


Beiträge: 5.295
Punkte: 5.295

02.10.2003 17:07
#5 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

naja da bin ich nun wieder anderer meinung, wen sie die masken bei dance of death aufhaben ist das ok, aber ich will nciht das die 2 stunden mit den dinger vor mir rumwackeln, sonst könnten se ja grad ghost performer nehmen und an 7 orten gleichzeitig auftreten...

icq: 127831519

SenseiBurnout Offline

The Iron Maiden

Beiträge: 3.617
Punkte: 3.617

02.10.2003 17:12
#6 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

ich bezweifle das die länger als 5 min mit den teilen rumhüpfen könnten dan wirds nähmlich sicherlich zu heis....

Up The Irons!
Metal Is The Law!
Sapere Aude!


TheAssassin ( Gast )

02.10.2003 18:16
#7 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

na das sie die ganze show lang masken tragen kann ich mir auch nich vorstellen..das hällt doch keiner aus
aber vielleicht bei einem oder zwei songs vom neuen album..(beim song dance of death könnt ichs mir schon vorstellen)
Up The Irons!

Janick Gers ( Gast )

02.10.2003 19:23
#8 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Ich bin wieder anderer Meinung,dass es scheiße is das die Masken tragen!!
Ok meinetwegen für einen Song oder so !! Aber danach wirds zu affig!!!!

Sid ( Gast )

02.10.2003 19:25
#9 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

ich geh zwar auf kein Konzert, aber wenn ich das tun würde, würde ich Maiden und nicht Slipknot und Konsorten sehen wollen.
Ich denke, die machen das wie auf der Powerslave Tour (also nur bei einem song)
Death to false Metal!!! Heavy Metal Is The Law!!!

Watto Offline


Beiträge: 5.295
Punkte: 5.295

02.10.2003 21:10
#10 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

stimmt dann klönnten se ein duett mit slipknot mache

icq: 127831519

Heady ( Gast )

02.10.2003 23:26
#11 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Naja also ich finde diese "Masken" einfach nur Peinlich. Hoffe das die die dinger nur mal ganz kurz anham. Darauf kann ich GERNE verzichten...
When you know that your time has come around. You know you'll be prepared for it.
Say your last goodbyes to everyone. Drink and say a prayer for it

Deutsches Iron Maiden Forum

The Rainmaker ( Gast )

06.10.2003 18:00
#12 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Kann mir jemand sagen wieviel Stunden man vor dem Konzert dort sein muss, um einen vernünftigen Stehplatz zu bekommen?
Kann man ruhig ein Pulli zum Konzert anziehen oder wird das zu heiß?

Iron Eddie ( Gast )

06.10.2003 21:53
#13 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Letztes Mal war ich in Stuttgart net sonderlich früh dort...war noch genug Platz. Und den Pulli am besten gegen nen String eintauschen...ich war noch nie so durchgeschwitzt wie auf nem Maiden Konzert!!

Heady ( Gast )

08.10.2003 00:09
#14 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Also wir werden in münchen so um 1700 vor der halle sein. Ich werd mir auch nur was leichtes anziehen :)Wobei ich mir eher wieder sorgen um meine stimme mache :) Und nachm Konzi werden ersam Shirts gekauft :)

When you know that your time has come around. You know you'll be prepared for it.
Say your last goodbyes to everyone. Drink and say a prayer for it

Deutsches Iron Maiden Forum
WEBMASTER von ALIEN ARCHIVdem Ultimativen nachlagewerk zu der Alien reihe.

Ancient Spirit ( Gast )

10.10.2003 21:33
#15 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Letztes Mal in Stuttgart (1999) kam ich auch während dem Konzert problemlos in die erste Reihe... von daher reichts wenn man pünktlich zum Einlass da ist...
Up the Irons

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

13.10.2003 16:51
#16 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

So maidenfans bald isses dann soweit und wir werden maiden wieder live erleben
ich komme extra von graz nach münchen um die metalgötter zu treffen
habe auserdem heute schon mein tourplakat bekommen sehr sehr geil

Heady ( Gast )

13.10.2003 21:03
#17 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Da es ja nur noch 11 Tage hin is bis münchen....Wie schauts mit nem Treffpubkt aus??
War noch nich bei der Halle,gibts da irgend nen Markanten Punkt in der unmittelbaren nähe? Ziehen wir uns Maiden shirts an um uns besser zu erkennen(SCHEISSE hat das Maiden Forum hier aber viele User).

Also wer weis wat?? Oder Treffen wir uns an dem Nomaden Fahrstand von Yankee :)))) ?
Webmaster des

SenseiBurnout Offline

The Iron Maiden

Beiträge: 3.617
Punkte: 3.617

13.10.2003 23:11
#18 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

auf nem metal konzert nen pully anlassen ........LLLLOOOLLL .... höhren wir moderntalking ? ich bin nach jedem konzert total durschgeschwitzt. poggo, headbangen, hüpfen, schreien... das schwitzt ich mich immer dumm und duselig.

ich nehme mir immer nur für danach was zum drüberziehen mit wegen erkältungs gefahr.

Up The Irons!
Metal Is The Law!
Sapere Aude!


The Rainmaker ( Gast )

14.10.2003 16:08
#19 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Tut mir leid das ich gefragt habe, aber es ist mein erstes Konzert und deswegen habe ich darin keine Erfahrung.

SenseiBurnout Offline

The Iron Maiden

Beiträge: 3.617
Punkte: 3.617

14.10.2003 23:28
#20 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

is ja net böße gemeint

Up The Irons!
Metal Is The Law!
Sapere Aude!


Maidenaustria ( Gast )

15.10.2003 00:19
#21 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

@ heady ziehen wir uzns maidenshirts an um uns besser zu erkennen hahah alle haben maidenshirts an
aber wir könnten uns echt treffen

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

15.10.2003 00:42
#22 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

Kann es kaum erwarten eine zu schreien

Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden
Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden
Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden
Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden Maiden

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

20.10.2003 12:19
#23 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

So leute der tag ist gekommen gestern wr der erste gig in ungarn
hier eine kurze Review

DoD World Tour - 1st show, Debrecen, Hungary
Hi fans,

Yesterday a crowded Deberecen Phoenix Arane saw the first show of the DoD WOrld tour.

.... the stage and show:

Although I do not have any photos, the stage was changing from song to song, it was a castle with changing background, EXCELLENT Eddie pictures, war scenes... so many things happened on stage that you have to see it yourself!!!!

Bruce was running aroun the stage like a maniac, climbing the castle, changing clothes under every DoD song, we should not forget Janick, Adrian, Dave and Steve as well, because they also enjoyed the extatic crowd. Of course the lights were also in harmony with the songs and the background.

..... the songs:

I did not write a track list (HELP ME OUT WHO DID), but they played a good mixture during the 1 hours 40 mintues. I have basically no voice due to singing and screaming.

Paul Di`Anno ( Gast )

20.10.2003 15:16
#24 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

1 stunde und 40 minuten?????????
was soll den das????????????????
iss des nich bissle kurz????????

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

21.10.2003 12:59
#25 RE:Dance of death tour Zitat · Antworten

hier noch eine rview aber sehr ausführlich

Setlist was-
Intro - Some musical piece which is pretty damn famous but can't for the life of me remember the name, maybe a section of Carmina Burana?
1.Wildest Dreams
2. Can I Play with Madness
3.The Trooper
4.Dance of Death
6. Brave New World
8. Lord of the Flies!
9.No More Lies (Eddie 1)
10. Hallowed be thy Name
11. Fear of the Dark
12.Iron Maiden (Eddie 2)
13.Journeyman (fully acoustic)
14. Number of the Beast
15. Run to the Hills

Total time about 1hr 40 Mins.

So the set for Gamma Ray petered out into a guitar solo wankfest after they had played Victim of Fate from early Helloween days, and then the darkness started. 30 mins we waited and the venue was packed to the rafters and as hot as ever. I was standing with Bobo and The Evil to start with, about 12 rows back, when, eventually this piece of music started as described above.

The set was revealed of a huge grey castle, with a hooded eddie reaper,with no face,high on the ramparts on both the left and right, with an massive open portcullis in the centre. We thought it would be perfect for Monstegur, but, alas, Wildest Dreams,which was pretty good.

Bruce was absolutely on fire,wearing black trousers with all those bits of material tied to them, black tshirt and waistcoat, Dave in a WD tshirt, Janick in a DoD tshirt with a goat on the back and the tour dates (this can be bought in official merchandise), Adrian wearing similar stuff to the GME tour, Steve in the new home footie tshirt, Nicko wearing a silly beanie hat and sunglasses!

So,WD over and the CIPWM cover shoots across the portcullis. I thought "WTF" but it was surprisingly good. Then the Trooper which was fairly routine with the guitarists taking the usual line all in the front and Bruce waving the enormous Union Jack above Nicko's drumkit.

So,the 1st three songs and I was feeling as if it was waiting to catch fire. Bruce then talked about the new album for a bit, the whole arena went black and he said "So, onto the DANCE of DEATH". Lights eventually came on and Bruce was sitting on a throne high on the lefthand rampart, in a beautiful dark red robe and one of the masks that the girl in the booklet wears in the final page. We managed to start up a chorus of "Whoah-Oohing" during the beginning and come to think of it, the whole concert was a bit of a "Whoah" fest!

Bruce began to, unsurprisingly, dance and prance about the castle, but the tempo of the song was kept true to the album. The much derided "rapping" part was kept in time, cheers Nicko, and the whole song was excellent. Bruce made a hilarious return after the solos in a full length black shiny robe which looked more like a bin liner He then put over another mask over the one he was already wearing, so the comic element remained.

After this finished, thunder and rain started to pour down. The lights signalled chunks of light as it 'rained' down on stage. Then Dave rips into Rainmaker - OMG, absolutely amazing. The crowd loved it, in my top three highlights.

That gorgeous serene blue light lit up Dave for Brave New World next- love that light,so beautiful. Great rendition.

And on to the centrepiece....Paschendale. Wow! Utterly inspired stuff. It began with a new piece of artwork shooting across the castle, which depicted the battle scene in the trenches. People erected fences with barbed wire and dead bodies across them, then the bombs and canons started for about 1 minute a la One by Metallica. Bruce then read this amazing poem with feeling and conviction. Not sure who wrote it as i'm not really into poetry but I would hazard a blind guess at Siegfreid Sassoon. The song begins and the crowd sit back, listen, then go full pelt for it. Great stuff,worked perfectly live. Bruce donned a battle helmet and full length trenchcoat. Really powerful imagery and scenery. All solos top notch.

So after such an incredible 10 minutes,what could possibly follow that? LORD OF THE FUCKING FLIES of course! What a comedy moment. A few of us thought it was Gates of Tomorrow, and it took me about 2 minutes to register that Bruce was actually singing "Saints and Sinnnnerrs'...!". Badly. He fucked up the lyrics terribly but I've actually got it on now, like it, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised.

Separate point- what I hadn't fathomed was that when Steve said "We'll be playing A FEW songs which we haven't played for a while",they would play only two. ONLY TWO! And arguably the worst songs on SSoaSS and X-FACTOR! Unbelievable.

Anyway, getting back to the point, after that pile of poo finished, it was onto Hallowed. Well, Nicko's unmistakeable count in for Hallowed Be Thy Name was actually dispensed with for No More Lies. They made a bit of a cock up I think and got the order the wrong way round. NML was quality, brilliant live song and another highlight which somehow rescued the set. Eddie came out as a reaper during H's solo and stayed for a few minutes,but no scythe in his hands

Then the set disappeared into predictability. Hallowed, then Fear (Christ,how many songs over 7 minutes??) and Iron Maiden. I am so bored of the first two but they do work live. It was during Fear which I had some fun. I got emersed into an argument with some girl who was standing next to me during BNW about singing the Whoah-Oh parts (she had told me to shut up), and then she proceeded to head bang as violently as possible. Now i'm all for long hair but it's slightly annoying in a packed gig when someone repeated slaps you across your face with their long braids. Silly twat. So, during Fear i decided to "Whoad-Oh" as loudly and as badly out of tune as possible in her ear. Her reaction? More slappage with her hair. Oh well,at least we knew where each other stood. I still maintain it's poor gig-etiquette though !

Bruce shouted "Bring on the reaper" during IM and an enormous eddie emerged from the open gate in the castle above Nicko's head.This time he had his scythe and was wearing a remarkable hood. HE unfolded his arms and started jesticulating and shoving his sythe in all directions.

So to the encore. The band emerges with acoustic guitars, Bruce gives a bit of chat, then Journeyman. It was very good altho the crowd sort of sat around half-assed not knowing what to do. So as i typed out the predictable end on my mobile to Polish Eddie: NOTB, 2MtM, RttH, I was shocked when even 2Mins was ommitted. I mean FFS, absolutely nothing from Powerslave, Somewhere in Time AND Killers, yet the only two "suprises" were Can I play with Madness and Lord of the Effing Flies! A bitter-sweet end to an otherwise superb showcasing of the new songs from DoD.

The atmosphere was good,but I think people were slightly underwhelmed and disappointed that only 15 songs were played, most of them very long and not enough variation. Yes the sound wasn't very good, yes the band can't be expected to find their feet in the first gig and a few things buggered up, timing and the like, but I couldn't help feeling a pang of disappointment. Never mind eh? At least they did play 6 new songs and these were quality so what am i complaining about?

Man-of-Match: Bruce, 9. On superb form, full of enthusiasm and energy and great to see him embrace the new songs so well.

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