Ich möchte in erster Linie wissen, ob man vielleicht andere Traversen aufhängt, nicht, wie die einzelnen Bands beleuchtet werden, sondern ob man jährlich ein ganz neues Beleuchtungssystem entwirft.
__________________________________________________ Oh they say that it's over And it just had to be Ooh they say that it's over We're lost children of the sea...
__________________________________________________ Oh they say that it's over And it just had to be Ooh they say that it's over We're lost children of the sea...
Der Sack soll dir abfaulen Juwal!! Ich will auch!!
__________________________________________________ M.H.K.N. Wir Kinder vom Bodensee - Children of Bodom "I love the smell of napalm in the morning...it smells like...Victory...."
Naja, musst ja nicht pro jahr fünf mal Maiden schauen gehen, dann kannstes dir vielleicht leisten!
__________________________________________________ Oh they say that it's over And it just had to be Ooh they say that it's over We're lost children of the sea...
Aber wars wert. So. Ende. Bett. Gut Nacht miteinander.
__________________________________________________ M.H.K.N. Wir Kinder vom Bodensee - Children of Bodom "I love the smell of napalm in the morning...it smells like...Victory...."
__________________________________________________ Oh they say that it's over And it just had to be Ooh they say that it's over We're lost children of the sea...
Jap. Aber ich glaube, 2006 wars früher ausverkauft. Ich dachte schon, es wird nicht mehr!
Wäre auch ein sehr guter Witz, wenn 2008 vor 2007 ausverkauft wäre!
__________________________________________________ Oh they say that it's over And it just had to be Ooh they say that it's over We're lost children of the sea...
_____________________________________________ "The Difference between Manowar and other rich bands is: We love our Fans. Thats the reason why we've organised this festival for you. Who cares that Wacken booked Iron Maiden, fuck it!!"
_____________________________________________ "The Difference between Manowar and other rich bands is: We love our Fans. Thats the reason why we've organised this festival for you. Who cares that Wacken booked Iron Maiden, fuck it!!"
_____________________________________________ "The Difference between Manowar and other rich bands is: We love our Fans. Thats the reason why we've organised this festival for you. Who cares that Wacken booked Iron Maiden, fuck it!!"
ich hab auch noch kein ticket... entweder ich hab glück und bekomm eins von nem bekannten oder ich muss wohl mir ein überteuertes in ebay kaufen -.- am montag wollt ich mein ticket bestellen -.-
_____________________________________________ "The Difference between Manowar and other rich bands is: We love our Fans. Thats the reason why we've organised this festival for you. Who cares that Wacken booked Iron Maiden, fuck it!!"