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Maidenaustria ( Gast )

10.08.2003 20:59
#101 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

So Maidenfans der Dance of Death Countown hat begonnen yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. sept single und dvd single
8. sept dance of death

noch :::::::::::::::::::::::: 31 tage :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

out of the silent austria
out of the silent austria we are

maidenman ( Gast )

10.08.2003 21:47
#102 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

noch 31?? guck ma auf


Iron is the strongest Metal!

TheTrooper666 ( gelöscht )

11.08.2003 11:48
#103 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

Die Seite ist köstlich (meine neue Startseite )

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

14.08.2003 01:11
#104 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

hy maidenfans da bin ich wieder hab da eine coole review seht mal

we all heard it, nothing much to say except that the CD version is a bit different from what you downloaded...

i'd say a mix between "Judas be my guide" and some stuff like "public enema N°1" but much better ..... this is brillant , Bruce is incredible ......

where the trouble starts ....... this is a virtual XI leftover ... objectively, a mix between "clansman" and "educated fool" ... highly repetitive chorus with the gunmachine drumstyle like on X factor .... the main thing is Bruce does it very well and Bayley 's period would have been better with Bruce

this track is really weird ...... can't say if i love it or not .... i didn't at first but it has some hypnotic attraction and i feel like listening to it ...... heavy opening riff unusual for MAIDEN .... starnge thing is Bruce doesn't stop singing, i mean there's almost no music without singing between verses and chorus ..... very hard to explain .....

Harris should be prevented from making "EPICS" .... since 1998 , an epic means a shitty overrepetitive stuff and this one doesn't stray from the rule ....... boring, lame lyrics : " let me tell you a story to chill the bones " ...... but when you hear it you hesitate between laughing or crying .....

the worst maiden song ever ..... a lame lord of the flies like intro... the verses are bad ..... forget it

nicko should stick to what he does best : druming and rolling over attendants ..... i'm a bit naughty saying this ..... BNW had "mercenary" ..... DOD has "new frontier" ....

the only epic i liked ..... far better than the rest , really, bruce is fantastic ! keyboard orchestration is OK ..... this is a good modern MAIDEN epic

and now to the best part of the album :

Good track , i liked it a lot !

the second best track of the whole album, quite original for MAIDEN, brillant song ..... great chorus ! reminds me of early Dickinson solo stuff ....... great song !

and now ....... ladies and gentlemen ...... just for this track it is worth getting this album ...... THIS IS THE MOST ORIGINAL STUFF MAIDEN EVER WROTE !!!!!!!!!!! i fucking love it ! it's fucking amazing ! it sometimes reminds me of BLACK SABBATH's spiral architect's outro ..... some of you will get the link .... it fucking rules and Bruce is god !!!!!!!!!!!

out of the silent austria
out of the silent austria we are

Iron Honk ( Gast )

14.08.2003 19:11
#105 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

Habe im off. Forum folgende Textstellen gefunden:


let me tell you a story to chill the bones out of things that i saw
One night wandering in the everglades, had one drink but no more...
I was rambling in joy into bright moonlight gazing up at the stars
Got aware of a presence so near to me, watching my every moves

------ scared and i fell onto my knees as something rushed from the trees
Took me to an unhloy place, that's where i fell from grace
and they summoned me over to join with them to the dance of the dead
into the circle of fire i followed them, into the middle, i was led

As if time had stopped still, i was numbed with fear but still, i wanted to do
and the blaze of the fire did no hurt upon me as i walked onto the coals
and i felt i was in a transe ans my spirit was lifted from em
If only someone had the chance to witness what happened to me

And i danced and i ------- and i sat with them, all had death in their eyes
lifeless figures, they were the undead ------- they had -------- from hell

........... from they it gets too quick for me to understand .........


When i was wandering in the desert, i was searching for the truth
I had a --------- angel calling out my name
I had some feeling that my life would never be the same again
I turned my face towards the ------ sun ....

And i know, all the pain, that you feel the same as me
and i dream of the rain as it falls upon the -------
and the cracks on the ground ----------------------------
----------------------------------------- and now wash away

you tell me we can stop the rain, you tell me that we all can change
you tell me we can find something to wash the tears away

.................................. that's all the this one for the moment .........


There's a dark sky before me, but no time to prepare
----------- of the lost horizon but no regrets from me
maybe i'll be back some other day, --------------------
and what you ------ that i might be, just another chance for me

A hurried time, no disgrace, --------------- to conclusion
wishing my life away, none can stop me now
time is up, it couldn't last, there is more things i'd like to do
I' m coming back to try again, someday maybe i'll wake, til then :

NO MORE LIES ! ( X 8 )



i only write down stuff i heard ... far to hard to understand :

I stand alone in this desolated place ........ the anger burning inside ........ ten years later i wonder why, what secret the took to their graves ....... still burning heretics, burn at the stake ........... the book of their testimony's crippled and black....... living this evil damantion of flesh ..... dying at stake and all their followers slain.....

Chorus :
at the gates and the walls of Montsegur.....



Neverending, forever seraching
searching dreams but dreams are gone
always seeking, always asking
questions right from the start

I'll be at the new frontier
Playing god without mercy, without fear ......

TheTrooper666 ( gelöscht )

16.08.2003 12:52
#106 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

LOL alle Reviews sind unterschiedlich!

Fulcrum ( Gast )

16.08.2003 15:59
#107 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

Das ein neues Maiden Album erscheint weiß ich erst seit einer Woche und ich bin total glücklich darüber, den vor einigen Monaten
hätte ich nie gedacht, noch einmal Maiden hören zu können. Ich erwarte vom neuen Album nicht viel, ich bin einfach froh das
überhaupt noch eins erscheint!

Aber das Cover finde ich auch dürftig, da schließe ich mich den meisten Meinungen wohl an. Wildest Dreams ist aber ein netter
Rocker, genau das richtige für eine Singleauskopplung!

maidenman ( Gast )

16.08.2003 16:01
#108 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

Juhu, bist wieder da fulcrum, kennst mich denn noch??? ich hoffe dir geht es wieder gut

Iron is the strongest Metal!

Eddie71 ( gelöscht )

16.08.2003 16:14
#109 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

was soll den das???? geht net mehr, und ich hatte es mir grade als startseite eingerichtet.

maidenman ( Gast )

16.08.2003 16:16
#110 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

da fragst du am besten maidenfreak, is seine hp

Iron is the strongest Metal!

Prodigal Son Offline


Beiträge: 631
Punkte: 631

18.08.2003 12:09
#111 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

3 Wochen vor Erscheinen ist "Dance Of Death" bei bereits auf Platz 16!

Andi Mertens Offline


Beiträge: 887
Punkte: 887

18.08.2003 12:33
#112 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

Die Review die Maidenaustria da gefunden hat sind ja teilweise echt hard. Von wegen "schlechtester Song den Maiden je gemacht hat...Nicko sollte das komponieren lassen...und Harris sollte nicht immer diese langweiligen Epics machen". Einige 2/5 Bewertungen *schluck* Hoffentlich bewarheitet sich die Meinung des Schreibers nicht. Ich bin auf jeden Fall immer noch voller Hoffnung.

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

18.08.2003 13:01
#113 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

ja andi du sagst es aber ich glaube schon das dieses album wieder ein höhepunkt ist
und angeblich soll ja dance of death der beste song am album sein wir werden sehen
out of the silent austria
out of the silent austria we are

TheTrooper666 ( gelöscht )

18.08.2003 16:59
#114 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

Ich glaub kein Wort von diesem zwielichtigen Review, und die lyrics von Dod sind jawohl deluxe!

Iron Honk ( Gast )

19.08.2003 17:51
#115 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

Habe ein anderes DoD - Review gefunden:

In Antwort auf:
After three years of waiting, the loyal fans of Iron Maiden have been rewarded with a cracking studio album from the UK based sextet. Dance of Death, their 13th studio opus, is as hard hitting as earlier releases such as Powerslave, but combines a beauty so far unheard of on Maiden albums. Much more varied songwriting, past and present influences abound through this album and these show up most in the latter stages of the tracks. Speaking personally, I did approach this album with a fair degree of anxiety after I found that Brave New World marginally failed to deliver to my huge expectations. And I was stunned...

1. Wildest Dreams. The first single from the album, is a catchy little rocker, taking the listener back somewhere between Somewhere in Time, and relatively recent Bruce solo work on his experimental album Skunkworks. Penned by the flawless and criminally underated Adrian Smith, it is a single which will be likely to make a massive indent into the UK charts come September 1st. I urge you all to buy this now!! Already a live favourite on the Give Me Ed...Til I'm Dead tour, it's the shape of things to come on Dance of Death.

2. Rainmaker is a stunningly melodic penned track by Dave Murray. His songwriting always seems to be discarded for some strange reason (nods in the direction of Deja Vu and Judas be my Guide) but hopefully this melancholic yet beautiful use of the three guitars will find it's way into the live set on the Dance of Death tour. Bruce Dickinson delivers his first, but not last, blistering vocal performance on this track.

3. No More Lies is the first of the mid-range to long songs on this album and the mood turns markedly dark (reflecting perhaps the title of the album). A cracking performance by Nicko McBrain and Steve Harris forming that tightly bound rhythm section of this band. This Harris only penned epic will surely replace a similar track (The Clansman) as another live favourite. A superb, triple guitar assault midway through the album speaks volumes for the more tightly woven triumvirate of Janick Gers, Adrian Smith and Dave Murray. A main theme of this album in fact, and whereas you could argue the three guitars weren't used to their greatest effect on Brave New World, they are certainly on show on Dance of Death which spells good times ahead for the boys.

4. Montsegur. Ah, Montsegur! Quite possibly the most unique sounding track Iron Maiden have written. Janick has really come on as a songwriter in recent times and this odd blend of crushing heavy major riff into minor riff really works to my ears. The chorus is somewhat reminiscent of heavy metal for the new millenium, as seen on The Chemical Wedding by Bruce's solo band. Excellent vocals, excellent vocal harmonies, cleverly stacked guitar layers and a chilling ambience. Superb stuff.

5. Dance of Death - the darkness continues. After the staggeringly heavy Montsegur, it seems difficult to complete the aesthetic. But the theme of the album, to some extent, is played out to its fullest in this track. 8 and a half minutes of some shattering different guitar work. Another Janick penned track, the three pronged guitar assault is in abundance throughout this song, especially during an arrangement which is the centre point of the latter stages here.

6. Gates of Tomorrow. A decidedly more upbeat track ofsets the mood a little bit. A more midpaced rocker is a well earnt break from the previous 20 minutes of darkness.

7. New Frontier. Well well well. Here's a first! Who would have thought that Nicko McBrain, the veteran drummer of 51 years, would finally deliver a brutal selfpenned track worthy of a place on a Iron Maiden studio album! Not I. Really quick, another classic rocker with a superb solo by, once again, Adrian. This song sets up the last chapter of the album perfectly....

8. Paschendale. Adrian's mournful tale of the 3rd Battle of Ypres is harrowing, stunning and blistering all in the space of 8.5 minutes. He's never written an epic of such proportions before and I hope that he will do from now on. This song is destined for instant success. I don't think I could ever describe it's majesty that accurately, so just buy this album and witness it for yourself!

9. Face the Sand. And another track from Adrian, this time evoking some of the progressive aspects of earlier releases, such as 2 Minutes to Midnight. This progressive element is another theme to take in on this fantastic album, running through the last three tracks. It is complex but sounds as though it could become a live track if manipulated correctly.

10. Age of Innocence. A lovely sweeping intro into a strangely heavy track, this one by Dave. The album is peaking in quality at the right time, towards the end. More progression here and changes in rhythm abound. Hints of 70s influences run through this song.

11. Journeyman. Oh wow! This just gets better. After so many themes, progression, uniqueness, variety of writing styles, darkness, bleak tales, upbeat rockers, Iron Maiden surprise us all with a totally acoustic, ambient yet bitter tale. Beautifully sung by Bruce, superbly written by Adrian, this track is just the icing on the cake of what will surely be one of Iron Maiden's most loved studio album.

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

19.08.2003 18:12
#116 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

hy maidenfans was habe ich schon vor wochen gesagt und es ist nun bestätigt
Hier sind 2 weiter dod tourdaten
19/10/2003 HUN - Debrecen - Phoenix Hall
21/10/2003 SLO - Banska - Bystrica Sports Hall

out of the silent austria
out of the silent austria we are

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

23.08.2003 16:34
#117 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

hy maidenfans habe einen kleinen auzug des songs journyman

I know what i want, i'll say what i want
and no one can take this away ...

out of the silent austria
out of the silent austria we are

maidenman ( Gast )

23.08.2003 16:40
#118 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

hmm, da kann ich mir nicht sehr viel vorstellen, wenn man nur so den text sieht, singt doch mal einer vor :)

Iron is the strongest Metal!

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

23.08.2003 18:02
#119 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

hy maidenfans es könnte sein das ich das lied dance of death im netz gefunden habe bin aber net sicher is aber leider nur 25 sek. lang und man hört nur die gitarre

out of the silent austria
out of the silent austria we are

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

23.08.2003 18:14
#120 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

jom maidenfans habs mir nochmal angehört und es mit den reviews verglichen und es wird immer wahrscheinlicher das es sich um dance of death handelt yeah aber leider nur 25 sek
out of the silent austria
out of the silent austria we are

iron_freak ( Gast )

23.08.2003 18:27
#121 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen


stay hard and heavy
up the irons

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

23.08.2003 18:29
#122 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

auf dc++ is aber schwer zu finden
is aber total geil ich bin entzückt
und bin mir mitlerweiler sicher das es das lied ist

out of the silent austria
out of the silent austria we are

Sid ( Gast )

23.08.2003 18:29
#123 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

habt ihr schon das Review in der September Ausgabe des RockHard gelesen? Da wird doch tatsächlich von teils "langweiligen Songs", "keine neuen Idden" und einer "drucklosen Produktion" geschwafelt. Und Dance of Death soll gegenüber von Brave New World klar abfallen. Und dabei ist das RockHard doch so "back to the roots" und "immer schön treu bleiben" orientiert und hier wollen sie plötzlich was neues hören!? Da versteh einer die Welt... Ich glaube das Review, dass für Maiden Verhältnisse schlecht ausgefallen ist (7,5 Punkte von 10), ist nur ein Friedensversuch mit einigen Metallern, vor allem den Metallica Fans, nachdem St.Anger so schlecht abgeschnitten hatte (meiner Meinung zu recht) und die Journalisten auf der HP ziemlich beschimpft wurden (Zitate: "Ihr hört lieber die 1000 Maiden Kopie als was neues" oder "Maiden z.B. haben ja schiss davor was neues zu machen" u.s.w.). Jetzt wollen sie (bzw. will er) wahrscheinlich Dance of Death genauso schlecht machen wie St. Anger um alte Leser wieder zu gewinnen. Was meint ihr dazu?

Maidenaustria ( Gast )

23.08.2003 18:34
#124 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

habs auch gelesen halte aber nix davon
habe im forum schon so viele reviews gepostet die alle gut waren und ich sags euch dod wird der hammmer
aber es mussimmer was zu diskutieren geben

out of the silent autria
out of the silent austria we are

Eddie71 ( gelöscht )

23.08.2003 18:34
#125 RE:Alles über Dance of Death Thread geschlossen

das ist ja nicht die einzige negatieve bewertung von dod. wenn man die bewertungen so anguckt und wildest dreams hört so bin ich fast geneigt sie ernst zu nehmen. ich stelle mich schon mal darauf ein das es ein rohrkrepierer wird.
aber die ganze wahrheit wird man erst am 8.september wissen.

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