Das war das, was ich nach der ganzen Geschichte hören wollte. Nicht einfach, bumm, Barlow zurück, fertig. Jetzt hat er endlich mal die Sache erläutert, ausführlich und glaubwürdig. Ich kaufe ihm die Geschichte ab.
Welcome back Barlow, Hails to Schaffer!!!
EDIT: Nur was er im zweitletzten Abschnitt vom Stapel lässt, kapiere ich net so ganz... Kann mir das jemand erklären, ich verstehs net^^
__________________________________________________ Are you morbid???
Neueinsteiger beim Zentralrat der mit der Gesamtsituation Unzufriedenen
Zitat von MaidenheadDas war das, was ich nach der ganzen Geschichte hören wollte. Nicht einfach, bumm, Barlow zurück, fertig. Jetzt hat er endlich mal die Sache erläutert, ausführlich und glaubwürdig. Ich kaufe ihm die Geschichte ab.
Welcome back Barlow, Hails to Schaffer!!!
Ja diese Begründung hat mir auch noch gefehlt!
Welcome back Barlow, Hails to Schaffer, best wishes to Ripper!
@ maidenhead: Iced Earth activities will be more limited now because Matt will still be carrying on his career as a law enforcement officer. I would rather we do it this way and have the shows that happen be very special events than to carry on and feel like what’s happening isn’t genuine. This is NOT a cut on Tim. It’s just that Iced Earth really began to blossom after Matt joined the band and for years we worked our asses off together, on stage and off. Those years of work and commitment defined what Iced Earth truly is, and frankly I would rather end it than to carry on without Matt involved. All of this has been coming to a head for a while, and the talks with the fans in Europe helped cement what I already knew needed to happen.
Also: Sie hätten jetzt wenig Möglichkeiten weil matt weiterhin als bulle tätig ist. Aber schaffer würde lieber so mit matt, als ohne ihn. Das er lieber weniger, dafür "spezielere" Shows als viele normale shows (er hebt hervor, dass es nix gegen tim ist) spielen würde. Es ist so das IE sich immer den arsch aufgerissen haben, sowohl off als auch on stage und das diese Arbeit das definiert was die Band wirklich ist. Er hätte lieber aufgehört als ohne Barlow, sagt er, und hatte sich das lange durch den kopf gehen lassen
In Antwort auf: Aber schaffer würde lieber so mit matt, als ohne ihn. Das er lieber weniger, dafür "spezielere" Shows als viele normale shows (er hebt hervor, dass es nix gegen tim ist) spielen würde.
den ich nicht verstand.
Naja, bin gespannt, wie sich das entwickelt. Speziellere Shows sind immer gut, dafür werden sie wohl keine ausgedehnten Touren mehr spielen. Das ist nicht weiter schlimmm, nur mache ich mir Sorgen, dass sie es dann vielleicht nicht mehr für nötig halten, in der kleinen Schweiz zu spielen. Aber diese Schwarzmalerei bringt jetzt eigentlich auch noch nix.
__________________________________________________ Are you morbid???
Neueinsteiger beim Zentralrat der mit der Gesamtsituation Unzufriedenen
das statement ist ja genauso lachhaft wie das vorherige. vorallem diese lächerlichen beteuerungen über ripper wie gut der doch sei und wie sehr er ihn liebe nur um ihn paar Zeilen weiter runterzumachen. Zwar durch die Blume, aber die Aussage er hätte lieber aufgehört als mit Barlow weiterzumachen und so nen Kack is ja wirklich die Höhe
Lachhaft ey,wie manche ihm das jetzt abkaufen. Besonders wie doll er immer betont neee es is wahr und son schrott. Boah ne ey schaffer macht mir vieles kaputt. Dies Gelaber ey,das is doch schon Joey demaio style.
Naja live angucken werde ichs mir sicherlich,Deutschland besuchen die hundertpro weil schaffer da gut kohle abziehen kann! Ich werde hin aber auch nur aus dem Grund weil sehr viele geniale Stücke live aufwarten werden. Und das kommende Album wird sicher vielen gefallen schaffer meinte es wird melancholisch,düster und bla,genau das is IE mit Barlow also wars schon lange klar.
--------------------------------------- So,behold the birth,the wicked child Born of the beast,in eastern sands
Ich habe absolut nichts dagegen, dass Barlow wieder dabei ist, doch denke ich, dass jetzt der schlechteste Zeitpunkt für seine Rückkehr war. Zwei zusammenhängde Alben, die für einen Sänger geschrieben wurden, von zwei unterschiedlichen einsingen zu lassen halte ich nicht für sinnvoll. Schaffer hätte den Ripper wenigstens noch das 2. Album einsingen lassen sollen, bevor er ihn rausgeschissen hat. Oder was am allerbesten gewesen wär, er hätte sowohl Barlow als auch Owens nehmen sollen und beide zusammen das Album einsingen lassen. Das wär grandios geworden
In Antwort auf:Returning ICED EARTH Singer Is 'Still A Full Member' Of PYRAMAZE, Says Guitarist - Dec. 18, 2007
Guitarist Michael Kammeyer of the Danish metallers PYRAMAZE has issued the following statement regarding the recent announcement that the group's lead vocalist Matt Barlow was returning to front his previous band ICED EARTH as the replacement for Tim "Ripper" Owens:
"As most of you know by now, Matt has joined forces with his old band ICED EARTH again. Like any other metal music lover, we in PYRAMAZE are excited about the prospect of Jon [Schaffer, ICED EARTH guitarist] and Matt working together again. But this reunion has created some speculations in the metal community towards Matt's future in PYRAMAZE, and I can put all the PYRA-fans at ease, and tell you that Matt is still a full member of PYRAMAZE, and the only change is that now you'll get Matt in a double dose.
"I'm happy to tell you that last week Matt's wife [who is also Jon's half-sister — Ed.] gave birth to a healthy little boy. Because of this happy event sleep has become an 'elusive guest' for Matt and his wife, but as soon as the Barlow family regains some 'normality' and sleep is back on the menu, Matt will prepare a statement for you.
"The recording of our new album has not been delayed, and dates for our vocal recording and final mix/master session are still the same.
"That's it for now, and the next time we've got news, it will be Matt's statement."
PYRAMAZE entered the studio on October 1 in Haderslev, Denmark to begin recording the follow-up to to "Legend of the Bone Carver".
Barlow joined PYRAMAZE as the replacement for Lance King who left the band in November 2006.
The group's third album is tentatively due next spring.
PYRAMAZE's latest CD, "Legend of the Bone Carver", was released last year via Massacre Records (Europe) and Nightmare Records (USA and Canada).
In Antwort auf:TIM 'RIPPER' OWENS: Split With ICED EARTH Is 'What I Needed' - Dec. 19, 2007
Singer Tim "Ripper" Owens has released a statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET regarding his surprising departure from ICED EARTH three months after the release of the group's latest album, "Framing Armageddon - Something Wicked Part I".
ICED EARTH mainman/guitarist Jon Schaffer issued a press release last week (Statement#1, Statement#2) announcing that the band was parting ways with Owens and was once again working with Tim's predecessor, Matt Barlow, who originally left ICED EARTH in 2003.
In a written statement that was sent to BLABBERMOUTH.NET earlier tonight (Wednesday, December 19), Owens says, "First off I would like to wish Jon Schaffer and the guys in ICED EARTH much success.
"Yes, this [Owens' dismissal from ICED EARTH] all was just horrible timing, and I don't think it was handled in the best way, coming two weeks before Christmas! But it is the best for me and ICED EARTH.
"I really need to move on and do other things. I really want to get BEYOND FEAR out there and I'm working on some other projects as well.
"Things happen for a reason, and yes, the winds of change are upon us and that is what I needed!
"The one thing I ask is to just leave it all alone.
"I would like from this moment on to leave ICED EARTH in the past and move forward, so I will no longer discuss IE!
"Like I said, I wish Jon and his family and the guys in IE the best of luck and a merry Christmas... Now let's move on and talk about the future!
"Thank you and keep it heavy."
According to the Cleveland Scene, Owens is still being managed by Wendy Dio, wife of metal legend Ronnie James Dio. BEYOND FEAR remains signed to SPV Records, which also handles ICED EARTH's recorded output. The singer may move forward with a new WINTERS BANE album and tour, if the project generates label interest; BANE bassist Dennis Hayes was dismissed from ICED EARTH along with Owens.
Dann hat Barlow jetzt DREI Jobs oder gewissermaßen schon vier: Sein Beruf als Cop, Iced Earth, Pyramaze und sein neugeborener Sohn! Wie will er das den alles unter einen Hut bekommen? Ich denk, da kann er sich nur auf eine Band wirklich konzentrieren... Aber is ja geil da gibt's Barlow gleich im Doppelpack
und wegen Ripper: Er will wohl gar ned mehr drüber reden. Ich denk er steckt das nicht so leicht weg, er ist mit Sicherheit sauer auf Schaffer nur er sagt es nicht weil er es lieber vergessen will, aber bei Beyond Fear und Winter's Bane ist er sowieso besser aufgehoben
Nun gut, das zweite Statement von Schaffer klingt ein wenig glaubwürdiger und freundlich gegenüber dem Ripper. Ich weis trotzdem nicht, was ich von alldem halten soll. Diie Aussagen vom ipper sind ein wenig pauschal, aber man muss ihm hoch anrechnen, dass er nicht nachtritt, das Ganze akzeptiert und ich hoffe, dass ihm doch irgendwann der Durchbruch gelingen wird.
-------------------------------------------------- "Une amour ce n'est pas seulement... un homme... fuck... une amie... ce n'est pas... c'est plus en bas, dans la tête, dans le coeur, dans toute la forme... wasting love!" (Bruce "Air raid siren" Dickinson live in Paris)
Ich finds cool dass Barlow wieder da ist aber es ist wirklich scheisse was mit dem armen Ripper passiert ist.Ich hate nie ein problem mit ihm.Aber na ja das und das mit der unglaubwürdichkeit haben ja schon viele gesagt. Also: WELCOME BACK BARLOW
-------------------------------- Please tell me now what Life is, Please tell me now what Love is, Well tell me now what War is, Again tell me now what Life is.
ich glaubs net, sogar das ganze forum hier is so dumm und kauft dem schaffer die story mit den fans ab kein wunder verblödet die metalszene nach und nach
Ich habe nicht behauptet dass ich das mit den fans glaube.Er hat gesehen dass sein Epos total verissen wurde und wollte einfach kohle scheffeln also hat er kurzum Barlow wieder in die szene gezogen
-------------------------------- Please tell me now what Life is, Please tell me now what Love is, Well tell me now what War is, Again tell me now what Life is.
Naja ich denk in erster Linie hat er wohl deutlich gemerkt, dass die letzten beiden Alben schlecht ankamen bei den Fans und dass sie halt Barlow zurückwollen. Und dem hat er Folge geleistet. Ob er jetzt mit Fans geredet hat oder was auch immer sei dahingestellt, ich kann mir jedenfalls nicht vorstellen das diese plötzliche Entscheidung schon länger geplant war wieso sollte er sonst die zwei Parts so auseinandernehmen mit zwei verschiedenen Sängern ? soll mir mal jemand erklären...
Zitat von Wishmasterich glaubs net, sogar das ganze forum hier is so dumm und kauft dem schaffer die story mit den fans ab kein wunder verblödet die metalszene nach und nach
so ein stuss klar, du kannst natürlich genau darüber urteilen, wer die wahrheit sagt und wer nicht.. und alle anderen sind dumm, nur du bist der allwissende messiahs, amen
In Antwort auf:MATT BARLOW Comments on His Return to ICED EARTH.
"Brothers and Sisters!
I'm sure that you are all well aware of things that are happening within Iced Earth, and a statement from me is well overdue. To that, I can only say that I am sorry for the delay, but there is good reason. Last week, following Jon's announcement, my wife gave birth to our second son. Everything is well, but of course, those of you who are parents know how taxing the first week can be. During that time, after all things had begun to settle, I realized that there are a lot of things on my plate. At this point, I needed to address them. As you know, family always comes first. Of course, Jon knows that and understands my decision to leave Iced Earth four years ago. My wife and I wanting a family was a huge factor. Family, is also the reason for my return. There is a kinship that goes beyond the obvious. I will speak of that later.
First, I feel that I need to acknowledge my friend Michael of Pyramaze. If not for his inquiry and persistance in asking me to be a member of that band, I may not have realized how much I have missed and been missed within the metal community. In recent days, however, I have come to realize that my participation in Pyramaze cannot go beyond the recording of the bands current work. This is due in part, to the fact that I can't be all places at all times. Michael and I have discussed this, and have come to an understanding. I know that the future success of Pyramaze will not be based solely on individual performances of band members, but in the song writing and total performance of the band, which is excellent. I know that I will give everything I have to the record and will support Pyramaze on a lot of other levels.
Let me proceed on the topic of kinship. For a great portion of our lives, Jon and I dedicated our selves to creating music that pleased, angered, saddened, and inspired. Though it can be argued that my contribution was limited, I always felt very proud of what we accomplished with every song. Whether a song was about a true love, a best friend, a ghost, a devil, or a savior; The songs that Jon wrote gave me the desire to engage each one on a very personal level. When Jon and I began to discuss the future of Iced Earth and his feeling on it's success or failure, he conveyed to me the desire to rediscover the passion of the songs that made Iced Earth so very special to so many people. In my journey of the last several years, I've had time to acknowledge that there are great stories yet to be told. Moreover, I have recognized my desire to be a part of those stories. As mentioned above, there are obvious time constraints where it relates to family, career, and music. One of those issues has already been addressed.
As for my career in law enforcement, it will continue as normal. Without going into specific detail, Jon and I will work on recording on my time between shifts. As Jon stated before, live performances will be more limited but grander in fashion. We will do our very best to get to the metal masses as often as possible. Jon understands that this schedule will be tougher to work with, but feels that it will be the best for the fans in the long run. There will be critics, no doubt. It has recently come to my attention that some people don't like the police ;-) Let's see if opinion can change on that issue!
As for the music, I will bring to Iced Earth the best performance possible. That has always been my desire, and I'm really excited to work with Jon and the guys again, to give you the best metal possible. If you think you're ready... let's do this!
Zitat von Wishmasterich glaubs net, sogar das ganze forum hier is so dumm und kauft dem schaffer die story mit den fans ab kein wunder verblödet die metalszene nach und nach
So ist halt das Musicbiz, da braucht sich keiner Illusionen machen. Oder glaubst Du, Machine Head wären nach den Mega-Flops der Alben "The Burning Red" und "Supercharger" ganz selbstverständlich wieder back to the roots gegangen? Da steckte auch eine ganze Menge Kalkül dahinter! Gebt den Fans, was sie wollen und der Erfolg kommt schnell wieder zurück. Eine jede Band, die von der Musik leben muss, folgt diesen Prinzipien. That's life...
In Antwort auf:TIM 'RIPPER' OWENS Discusses Split With ICED EARTH - Jan. 12, 2008
Former JUDAS PRIEST singer Tim "Ripper" Owens gave a rambling interview to Eddie Trunk on last night's (Friday, January 11) edition of the "Friday Night Rocks" radio show on New York City's Q104.3 FM in which he discussed his split with ICED EARTH and his future plans. A few excerpts from the chat follow (edited by BLABBERMOUTH.NET for clarity).
On the split with ICED EARTH:
"I think it was something that had to happen for both sides. It [was] not [amicable] at all. To tell you the truth, you don't get fired two weeks before Christmas and told ten minutes…
"I completed the [HEAVEN AND HELL] tour [with ICED EARTH] and was getting ready to work on [ICED EARTH's forthcoming album 'Something Wicked Part II']. I was actually supposed to be in my car and leaving that night [from Tim's home in Ohio] and decided, since I didn't hear from Jon [Schaffer, ICED EARTH mainman], I would wait until the morning to leave to go his house [in Indiana] and work on it. And the time I was supposed to be already gone, I just happened to go on my computer to see if Jon e-mailed me about what time he wants me there tomorrow is when I got the e-mail saying I wasn't in the band. And that was at 5:30. 5:40 — it was like 5:42 or 5:43 — I got my first e-mail from somebody, and then my first call came in at 5:45, saying, 'Man, I just heard.' [Laughs] My oldest daughter said to me, 'Man, what [would have happened] if you weren't home? That would have really sucked.' So the whole thing, really, was not handled in the way that I think it should have been. It's an unfortunate situation and an unfortunate ending.
"I had a nice ending with PRIEST — they made sure that, financially, I was handled for the next while to make sure that I got on my feet. Things were handled right and in a professional way. And I think the worst thing [about getting fired from ICED EARTH] was, [which] bummed me out, it was [two weeks] before Christmas. Now, I agree with the decision — I needed to go. I mean, I've gotta be honest.
"I'm trying to get back on my feet to get going, but I've gotten so many offers, it's unbelievable, and some great ones. And obviously BEYOND FEAR [Owens' solo project, which released its self-titled debut album in 2006], SPV [the record label] is so excited about it, we already have a gameplan on that, Wendy Dio [Ronnie James Dio's wife/manager] is still managing me.
"You know, it's [the split with ICED EARTH] something that had to happen, and I don't disagree with that."
"I think each one of us [Jon and I] had different ideas. I think the main idea was that I wanted to write and I wasn't able to, but in Jon's mind he did give me an opportunity to. But you know what?! I've gotta be honest… it all was good and it just didn't work out.
"I have nothing bad to say about Jon and I do wish him luck and everything. I really wanna do BEYOND FEAR and I have other opportunities that are better for me at this time, anyways. The unfortunate thing is I've been offered a few things in the past few years that I've turned down that were pretty good things, and I've turned it down, and looking back, I wish I would have probably taken them. But it was a good ride, and it was a good thing. It taught me that it's not always what you think it is in the business.
"Every step I've made in my career I've learned — everybody learns. I've always said I wanted to become a better singer and a better frontman and I've learned from this experience that you continually try to become that.
"The PRIEST thing was a great experience for me and I love to talk about it because it ended so well.
"I saw Glenn [Tipton] and Ken [Downing] — they came out to the Birmingham show when we played and they came back. It was a blast talking to them, and they are just so fun. Glenn and Ken and Jon and I sat in the dressing room, and we just had a great chat. It was fun. I've always enjoyed talking to those guys, and they were always really genuine with me, and 'till the very end, they were pretty genuine with me. I mean, the business end talks — there's no doubt about it — and it's the same thing that happened with ICED EARTH. The first person that's gonna get blamed is the new person, whether it's something else that could be an issue. But, really, that's what happened, and I know that, for me, publishing is a big thing, and I'm not getting it with that.
"It really got worse for me after I did BEYOND FEAR, because BEYOND FEAR was actually one of the better-reviewed CDs across the board that I've done. It might not have [gotten] as many 10s as maybe [ICED EARTH's] 'The Glorious Burden' did, but it definitely didn't [get] as many 2s and 3s as 'The Glorious Burden' did either. So it was one of the best-reviewed CDs I've ever done, and I wrote the whole album — I mean, half of it I wrote all by myself and the other half I wrote with John Comprix, the guitar player. So I think it got even worse then. But that is what it is. What's funny now is they have to get the old singer back although all Jon ever said in interviews… I think it's more of a… 'they need that, they need to get Matt [Barlow, ICED EARTH's singer who preceded and followed Tim in the band] back' and I agree — Matt's a great guy and a great singer. All Jon ever said was — and still will say it — is he writes all the stuff. 'I tell Matt what to sing.' It's what he always said and it's what he did with me.
"If I went out and joined somebody like YNGWIE MALMSTEEN. Well, you know what you're getting into — you're not joining a band, you're just joining a project to jump in and sing with him real quick. It's a whole different experience. I thought I was getting into a band and I was promised different things, and it all worked out until now. And I think everybody does know that it's the Jon Schaffer thing. It's a revolving door with everybody, and that's a cool thing, and Jon has built this thing from the ground up."
"You have to remember something, and the same thing happened to me when I got in JUDAS PRIEST — the band changed their style a little bit, and I love the change, but all of a sudden there's violins and 1,800-choir-piece singing on. You know, that wasn't going on in the past. The albums I did were a big change. On the new record you've got bongos and wool instruments. It seems like when I get in bands, they change a little bit. But you know the pressure of getting ICED EARTH was nothing like JUDAS PRIEST. To me, they're both major, major bands, but when you compare them, it's like comparing a triple-A ballclub to Major League baseball. And that's not a [knock on ICED EARTH] because every great baseball player has played in the triple-A."
"Jon and I always got along so well — our press trips and while we were together — so that was always a fun thing. We always got along well in the studio. It was a learning experience probably for both of us. It was more of a learning experience for me, I know, because obviously Jon's pretty used to getting rid of people and getting new members, so it's not really much of a difference for him. My bass player [BEYOND FEAR's Dennis Hayes, who was fired from ICED EARTH at the same time as Tim] found out because he looked on the web site and his name was gone. [Laughs]
"I felt like I was going nowhere. It was the same thing in PRIEST — 'Man, I wanna write, I wanna do stuff. I'm getting all these offers for BEYOND FEAR to do these tours and these shows and I can't get them out there. I've gotta turn everything down. Damn, I just wanna get out there and do other things, I wanna write and do stuff.' I got my wish… [Laughs] … just in an unprofessional way. I know if I ever would have left, I would have given notice — I would have done an album and given notice.
"It's funny how things work out. I remember Jon always complaining how Richard Christy [former ICED EARTH drummer who quit the band in order to work for 'The Howard Stern Show'] left in the middle of a tour — he said, 'I'm gonna end up leaving' — and [Jon] said it was unprofessional. And I think to myself, I got fired two weeks before Christmas, which was kind of strange. But it makes you a better person.
"I have good memories of ICED EARTH and it was a good opportunity for me."
Quelle: metpage.de
When you know that your time is close at hand Maybe then you'll begin to understand Life down there is just a strange illusion
Zitat von Wishmasterbin ja gespannt wieviel kohle schaffer dem ripper gegeben hat dafür dass er seinen mund nicht richtig aufmacht
Jo...das sehe ich auch so...traurig, traurig wie der Ripper da behandelt wurde. Er ist ein großartiger Sänger und wünsche ihm in Zukunft keine Tiefschläge mehr
Zitat von Wishmasterbin ja gespannt wieviel kohle schaffer dem ripper gegeben hat dafür dass er seinen mund nicht richtig aufmacht
Jo...das sehe ich auch so...traurig, traurig wie der Ripper da behandelt wurde. Er ist ein großartiger Sänger und wünsche ihm in Zukunft keine Tiefschläge mehr
Bitte vorher mal die Augen aufmachen und meinen letzten Post lesen!! Da hat er nämlich klar Schiff gemacht!
When you know that your time is close at hand Maybe then you'll begin to understand Life down there is just a strange illusion
jepp da kann man sehr gut zwischen den zeilen lesen
und dann sagt er noch, bei Priest hätte er noch ordentlich Kohle als Abfindung bekommen, also anscheinend hat Schaffer ihn dann schön abgezockt Bin ja mal gespannt wo er als nächstes anheuert, mit Beyond Fear kann er ja ned viel reißen
When you know that your time is close at hand Maybe then you'll begin to understand Life down there is just a strange illusion
Ripper hat sich da oben wohl echt zurück gehalten, aber man merkt das er schaffer für das arschloch hält was er auch ist. Wette der hat irgend wo ein "Fuck Schaffer"-Tattoo
Letzendlich hoffe ich das er zu einer Band kommt, wo das songwriting besser ist wie bei Beyond Fear (GRAUSSIGES WRITING!) und er einfach der Musik mit seiner speziellen Note, den letzten kick gibt.
aber welche halbwegs bekannte Metalband sucht zur zeit einen geilen Screamer?