#728 RE: Gerüchte/Diskussion um's neue Album 2010 (Eingangstposting beachten)
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Zitat von LateralusLaut dem neuen RockHard ist der 27. August Veröffentlichungstermin
Ja, stand auch schon auf deren Seite. Finds nur etwas seltsam, dass das Rock Hard das Datum veröffentlicht, von offizieller Seite aber nichts zu hören ist.
#733 RE: Gerüchte/Diskussion um's neue Album 2010 (Eingangstposting beachten)
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wird gekauft...
-------------------------------------------------- "Une amour ce n'est pas seulement... un homme... fuck... une amie... ce n'est pas... c'est plus en bas, dans la tête, dans le coeur, dans toute la forme... wasting love!" (Bruce "Air raid siren" Dickinson live in Paris) CAN YOU SAY KUTULU? (The Vision Bleak)
#734 RE: Gerüchte/Diskussion um's neue Album 2010 (Eingangstposting beachten)
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Zitat von Quebec-weekend-warrior89 wird gekauft...
_________________________ Alles F.A.K.N.F.M. / lieber zu frueh als garned gekommen!!! AIG Up the Chaos Crew / SAATANA VITTU PERKELE! / ''LEADERAPE'' / save the pussys from the dangeeeers^^
#735 RE: Gerüchte/Diskussion um's neue Album 2010 (Eingangstposting beachten)
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Na ja, ich finde das sieht in der Farbgebung cool auf. Aber ich warte mal ab, bis ich die Tourshirts sehe, vielleicht benutzen sie da ja dasselbe Motiv nur mit den Daten auf der Rückseite, dann hole ich mir nur das.
-------------------------------------------------- "Une amour ce n'est pas seulement... un homme... fuck... une amie... ce n'est pas... c'est plus en bas, dans la tête, dans le coeur, dans toute la forme... wasting love!" (Bruce "Air raid siren" Dickinson live in Paris) CAN YOU SAY KUTULU? (The Vision Bleak)
#747 RE: Gerüchte/Diskussion um's neue Album 2010 (Eingangstposting beachten)
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Also, ich werde ende des Monats eines der neuen Shirts ordern, mir gefallen diese Shirts volle Pulle. Mir egal, was ihr bzw. Kritiker sagen. Jedem das Seine
„Nimm an, was nützlich ist. Lass weg, was unnütz ist. Und füge das hinzu, was dein Eigenes ist.“
#748 RE: Gerüchte/Diskussion um's neue Album 2010 (Eingangstposting beachten)
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keine Frage, wenns Dir gefällt nur zu.
27.04.2010 20:00
#749 RE: Gerüchte/Diskussion um's neue Album 2010 (Eingangstposting beachten)
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EDIT der Moderation: ACHTUNG: Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Fakebeitrag, bitte nicht für wahr nehmen oder weiterverbreiten.
meldung geht am freitag auf ironmaiden.com online
Iron Maiden plan to release their new studio album entitled THE FINAL FRONTIER, in early August 2010.
The band started writing songs at the end of 2009 after a break from their hugely successful festival appearances in Europe, Asia and the USA. After Christmas the songs were completed and rehearsed when the band then got together with producer Kevin 'Caveman' Shirley at Compass Studios in Nassau to start work on recording the tracks.
Kevin Shirley has now co-produced four of the bands studio albums alongside Steve Harris, as well as two of their recent Live DVD's and albums. From this the working relationship between Kevin and the band seems to get stronger and stronger. Says Kevin, 'The Beast is back! I feel from the outset we all clicked on this one. We spent three months in the studio, from Go to Whoa - from Nicko's 'tubs up' to final mixes and sequenced master! That's a tiny gestation period for an album.
'I feel incredibly privileged to have been around to see this album born and breathe life. There have been only a couple of occasions in my career when the ENTIRE process of recording felt so complete - and it is on display here.'
As on previous projects all of the tracks were performed live and together in one room. No click tracks or computer tightening or manipulation has happened at any stage of the recording.
Says Bruce Dickinson,'This album has to be our best since working with Kevin. There is such a wide scope of musicianship on this album and in parts this album is truly epic. I thought with the likes of Brighter Than a Thousand Suns from the last studio album that we could only hope to surpass that but having now heard the album back as well as sitting with a few select people and hearing their reactions as well I truly believe we have managed it. Every one of us has put everything into this record and it's really paid off. However we've had such fun making it that it's almost difficult to believe what we've managed to achieve in the time it took.'
The full track listing is as below.
The Final Frontier
1. Dream Machine (Harris) 3.17 2. Forgotten Hope (Smith/Harris) 4.22 3. Deep Space Voyage (Harris/Dickinson) 7.42 4. The Visit (Gers/Harris) 4.11 5. Perfection Nummer 4 (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 9.41 6. Around the World (Harris) 7.31 7. Keep Alive for the Future (Murray/Harris) 4.24 8. 1000 Lightyears away (Harris) 7.55 9. The Final Frontier (Smith/Gers/Harris) 11.20
The band have just announced tour dates in Europa and North America and the majority of the European dates at the summer 2010 are already sold out. However please check the details of all of these on http://www.ironmaiden.com for latest information on ticket availability and for details of tickets just released from Production holds.