Frage: Und was machst du mit den 50 verschiedenen Länderpressungen einer einzigen CD?
Mal nicht übertreiben, so viele Länder bringen keine Maiden CDs raus 
Aber davon mal abgesehen, es macht halt Freude, wenn man sammeln kann:
CD-LP a matter of life and death argentina promo
CD-LP a matter of life and death argentina regular
CD-LP a matter of life and death argentina promo cd in wooden box
CD-LP a matter of life and death brazil 094637233122 single cd
CD-LP a matter of life and death brazil 094637321720 single cd + dvd
CD-LP a matter of life and death canada 094637233122 single cd
CD-LP a matter of life and death canada 094637321720 single cd + dvd
CD-LP a matter of life and death eu 00946373801 2 3. 373 8012 4 track advance preview cd
CD-LP a matter of life and death eu 094637232422 single cd + dvd
CD-LP a matter of life and death eu 094637232422 single cd, tour sticker france paris bercy
CD-LP a matter of life and death eu 09463 single cd
CD-LP a matter of life and death indonesia
CD-LP a matter of life and death japan tocp-66616 single cd
CD-LP a matter of life and death japan DVD+CD
CD-LP a matter of life and death malaysia 094637233122 single cd
CD-LP a matter of life and death philippines 094637233122 single cd
CD-LP a matter of life and death taiwan single CD
CD-LP a matter of life and death taiwan DVD+CD
CD-LP a matter of life and death thailand
CD-LP a matter of life and death usa 060768478121 single cd + dvd, deluxe version with bandana
CD-LP a matter of life and death usa 060768478527 single cd + dvd, best buy version with patch
CD-LP a matter of life and death usa 060768478626 single cd , hot topic version with poster
CD-LP a matter of life and death usa 060768478824 single cd + dvd, deluxe version exclusive circuit city edition with poster
CD-LP a matter of life and death usa 060768478----- single cd
LP killers argentina 5064- 51-1074501 light creme label,black writings+red round writings,titles spain+english, black&white backcover,asesinos front
LP killers australia EMC.3357 yellow label black & red writing
LP killers brazil 31c06407450 yellow label/estereo print on backcover
LP killers canada st-12141 grey label, harvest canada, extra song twilight zone
LP killers colombia 11862 estereo, red white emi label, spanish/english titles, darker cover, rounded covercorners
LP killers colombia 11862 estereo, red white emi label, spanish/english titles, lighter cover, rounded covercorners,CBS S.A. after symbol
LP killers colombia 11862 estereo, red white emi label, spanish/english titles, lighter cover, rectangle covercorners,CBS S.A. before symbol
LP killers czechoslovakia 210110-1311 black vinyl, promotional vinyl
LP killers czechoslovakia 210110-1311 black label
LP killers czechoslovakia 210110-1311 green vinyl
LP killers czechoslovakia 210110-1311 red vinyl
LP killers eec 1c0381575931 dmm fame print/yellow label/ cover printed in germany/barcode print
LP killers eec 1c0381575931 dmm fame print/fame inlet cover/yellow label/ cover germany/barcode print
LP killers eec 1c0381575931 dmm fame print/darkyellow label/ cover printed in germany/barcode print
LP killers france 2c07007450pm261 grey label with eddie
LP killers france 2c07007450pm261 grey label with eddie
LP killers france 1074501pm211 blue fame print/ reédition 1985 on cover/ barcode print/yellow label
LP killers germany 1c06407450 grey label with eddie cover pr. netherl. emi pitprint
LP killers germany 1c06407450 green label with eddie cover pr. netherl. emi pitprint/black inlet cover with order no.
LP killers germany 1c06407450 green label with eddie cover pr. netherl. without emi pitprint
LP killers greece 14C062-07450 brown label with emi print
LP killers holland 1a06407450 grey label red killers writing like on cover
LP killers india EMC 3357 dark yellow label, black+red writings,
LP killers israel emc3357 eddie label/give the gift of music print on backcover
LP killers italy 3c064074450 grey label red killers writing like on cover
LP killers italy 541074501 yellow label, black & red writings
LP killers japan ems-91016 eddie label /emi-toshiba/text inlet
LP killers japan ems-91016 eddie label /emi-toshiba/text inlet/poster
LP killers mexico SLEM-1031 creme label,spanish titles, additional DIN A5 info sheet, emi sign at the bottom of label
LP killers mexico SLEM-1031 light yellow label,spanish titles, emi sign at the top of label
LP killers new zealand emc3357 code32/yellow label
LP killers new zealand emc3357 code32/big emi label red orange
LP killers peru be020037 creme label,spanish titles
LP killers peru be020037 different label
LP killers portugal EMI 1074501 EMI valentim de carvalho, grey eddie label, white writing
LP killers portugal EMI 1074501 EMI valentim de carvalho, grey eddie label, black writing SPA 1074501
LP killers south korea white label, black writing, iran mxinen missprint on label
LP killers spain 056-1074501 white fame print in right corner/spanish titles on label
LP killers spain 10C 064-1074501 first release, eddie label
LP killers sweden 7c062-07450 eddie label/TM8102RS print on backcover
LP killers uk fa4131221 fame print/barcode print /fa4131221 print on backcover
LP killers uk EMC3357 eddie label/TM8102RS print on backcover
LP killers usa st12141 emi capitol, incl. twilight zone/ barcode print on backcover
LP killers usa st12141 emi capitol,/harvest incl. twilight zone/ barcode print on backcover
LP killers ussr fa4131211 gala records/blue fame print right corner/black label
LP killers venezuela 102-04395 EMI-7666 yellow label, red/black writing, titles in english and spanish, red P.M.V.P Bs.34.- print on backcover
LP killers yugoslavia LSEMI 70946 black writings on yellow emi label
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