Blaze spricht von finanziellen und gesundheitlichen Gründen. Scheint wohl leider momentan nicht besonders gut um ihn zu stehen. Wünschen wir ihm die Kraft das durchzustehen.
Zitat Dear fans, Due to financial and medical reasons I’ve been forced to part ways with the band . I will give a full statement in the next few days about my future plans. I hope that all my fans will keep on supporting me in my further projects. The English dates will be postponed to December but the festivals in Germany, Sweden, Lithuania and the show in Istanbul will definitely proceed! BB
Zitat Former BLAZE BAYLEY Musicians Reveal 'True Reasons' For Band's Split - Mar. 30, 2011
Former members of Blaze Bayley's (IRON MAIDEN, WOLFSBANE) solo band — David Bermudez (bass), Nico Bermudez (guitar) and Jay Walsh (guitar) — have released the following statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET regarding the group's split:
"It is with regret that we confirm that the Blaze Bayley band is now finished. It was not our decision or of our desire for the band to end. The statement released yesterday was not one that we were asked for comment or viewing on.
"The concerts scheduled for May/June said to be rescheduled to December. The promoters and venues have not been informed of this as was highlighted yesterday by the influx of concerned promoters and venues contacting the band members directly yesterday after Blaze's new manager released that statement.
"The claims that health and financial reasons have forced Blaze to take the decision of continuing without the rest of the band are only partially true, to say the very least. Proof of this is that he will continue touring on his own with session musicians fulfilling prior commitments that were contracted as a band and also contracted by the band and also will probably be fulfilled using music written by the band.
"It is because of the great appreciation to the people that have supported this line up unconditionally throughout the last few years and past three CD releases that we feel that is only fair to let them know the true reasons for the band to end.
"It is obvious that it is cheaper and easier for a promoter to fly a solo singer and have him play with a random local musicians or MAIDEN tribute acts that might play for free, or the 'prestige' saving money for the promoter and leaving more financial gain for the contracted artist.
"Our standpoint is that the bands two studio albums, written by the band (quite obviously not Blaze alone) should be promoted by the band itself rather than the musicians being dumped without fair option or choice for the better gain of one band member and one self-appointed girlfriend manager.
"We have not been told the entire truth at any point of these plans since January, and there has been a total disregard and lack of respect paid to the four years we have worked on the music, the planning, and the extensive, very hard ground level touring that has been done across Europe, Russia and South America since early 2008.
"We all will continue writing and making music in the future."
Zitat Former BLAZE BAYLEY Musicians Reveal 'True Reasons' For Band's Split - Mar. 30, 2011
Former members of Blaze Bayley's (IRON MAIDEN, WOLFSBANE) solo band — David Bermudez (bass), Nico Bermudez (guitar) and Jay Walsh (guitar) — have released the following statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET regarding the group's split:
"It is with regret that we confirm that the Blaze Bayley band is now finished. It was not our decision or of our desire for the band to end. The statement released yesterday was not one that we were asked for comment or viewing on.
"The concerts scheduled for May/June said to be rescheduled to December. The promoters and venues have not been informed of this as was highlighted yesterday by the influx of concerned promoters and venues contacting the band members directly yesterday after Blaze's new manager released that statement.
"The claims that health and financial reasons have forced Blaze to take the decision of continuing without the rest of the band are only partially true, to say the very least. Proof of this is that he will continue touring on his own with session musicians fulfilling prior commitments that were contracted as a band and also contracted by the band and also will probably be fulfilled using music written by the band.
"It is because of the great appreciation to the people that have supported this line up unconditionally throughout the last few years and past three CD releases that we feel that is only fair to let them know the true reasons for the band to end.
"It is obvious that it is cheaper and easier for a promoter to fly a solo singer and have him play with a random local musicians or MAIDEN tribute acts that might play for free, or the 'prestige' saving money for the promoter and leaving more financial gain for the contracted artist.
"Our standpoint is that the bands two studio albums, written by the band (quite obviously not Blaze alone) should be promoted by the band itself rather than the musicians being dumped without fair option or choice for the better gain of one band member and one self-appointed girlfriend manager.
"We have not been told the entire truth at any point of these plans since January, and there has been a total disregard and lack of respect paid to the four years we have worked on the music, the planning, and the extensive, very hard ground level touring that has been done across Europe, Russia and South America since early 2008.
"We all will continue writing and making music in the future."
oha...nicht gerade die feine englische art vom herrn bayley...oder? las mitmusiker würd ich mich grad wirklich verarscht kann sich auch freunde fürs leben machen;)
In der Situation ist alles was man macht falsch. Er kann die die Musiker weiter in Anstellung halten und nicht zahlen, was ihnen nicht gefallen würde, oder er kann sich von den Musikern trennen, was denen natürlich auch nicht gefällt.
Ich denke eher, dass dies eher eine Entscheidung des Managements als eine Entscheidung von Blaze Bayley selbst ist.
-------------------------------------------------- "Une amour ce n'est pas seulement... un homme... fuck... une amie... ce n'est pas... c'est plus en bas, dans la tête, dans le coeur, dans toute la forme... wasting love!" (Bruce "Air raid siren" Dickinson live in Paris) CAN YOU SAY KUTULU? (The Vision Bleak)
Zitat von Quebec-weekend-warrior89Ich denke eher, dass dies eher eine Entscheidung des Managements als eine Entscheidung von Blaze Bayley selbst ist.
welches management den?
_________________________ Alles F.A.K.N.F.M. / lieber zu frueh als garned gekommen!!! AIG Up the Chaos Crew / SAATANA VITTU PERKELE! / ''LEADERAPE'' / save the pussys from the dangeeeers^^
In der Tat. Ich denke, dass das ähnlich abläuft wie bei Sharon und Ozzy. Es ist nie gut, wenn die Lebenspartnerin gleichzeitig auch beruflich eng mit dem Partner liiert ist. Seine verstorbene Frau hätte so eine Aktion vermutlich keinesfalls unterstützt.
-------------------------------------------------- "Une amour ce n'est pas seulement... un homme... fuck... une amie... ce n'est pas... c'est plus en bas, dans la tête, dans le coeur, dans toute la forme... wasting love!" (Bruce "Air raid siren" Dickinson live in Paris) CAN YOU SAY KUTULU? (The Vision Bleak)
Zitat von Quebec-weekend-warrior89In der Tat. Ich denke, dass das ähnlich abläuft wie bei Sharon und Ozzy. Es ist nie gut, wenn die Lebenspartnerin gleichzeitig auch beruflich eng mit dem Partner liiert ist. Seine verstorbene Frau hätte so eine Aktion vermutlich keinesfalls unterstützt.
man weiß es nicht....vielleicht ist er halt doch nicht so das unschuldslamm in der geschiochte
first of all thanks again for all the wonderful messages of support I have received in the last few days. The mental, financial and emotional strain of keeping the Blaze Bayley Band together has proven to be too much for me and has taken a terrible toll on my mental health. As a result of that, I have had to split with the Blaze Bayley Band, now I am just Blaze Bayley, a soloartist and also the lead singer of Wolfsbane. Since Anna and Larry left the Blaze Bayley Band, we've tried to do everything ourselves and for me it has been too much. Without a proper manager coordinating concerts, touring, festivals, promotion, record releases and all the finances, it's too much to cope with.
Now I've finally taken this incredibly difficult decision, I feel I can breathe again. It has been an upsetting, frustrating and sad time because the Blaze Bayley Band will not be going on any more, but it is also for me a huge relief and a time to look forward. I wish David, Nico and Jay every succes with their future projects and like to thank them for their loyalty, commitment and sharing their musical talent on The Man Who Would Not Die and Promise and Terror. They are arguably two of the best metal albums I have ever made. We have made a live album and a DVD and I am immensly proud of all of those things as well as the incredible concerts we have played to fans all over the world.
I apologize to my UK fans for postponing the upcoming tour. We are still in the process of rearranging all the dates that we can to happen in December. The shows I have booked with Wolfsbane will all go ahead. Also, all the festivals I have booked will go ahead with different musicians.
I have a lot of plans that I am very excited about for the future and on top of that I am expecting my first child to be born in September. Look out for me popping up in different places all over Europe in the summer, because I am still available and being booked for festivals and guest appearances. The first two weeks of September is my unplugged acousticUK tour with Jase Edwards from Wolfsbane, called the 'Blaze and Jase: The incredible tour'. The full dates will be announced in the next few weeks. After that there will be a week of European full metal shows.
I am going to the USA in October and November for my first ever headline tour since Iron Maiden. I will look forward to seeing all the Blaze Bayley fans over there. After that, the new wolfsbane album comes out. Hopefully followed by a headline tour with Wolfsbane of the UK and then my own rescheduled UK Blaze Bayley Tour dates in December.
Next year, I am planning to do my first acoustic unplugged album with mostly new songs and that should come with an Unplugged World Tour. I'm planning to start work on my next full metal album in 2013.
Thank you so much everyone for being there for me through these difficult years and for your continued support, thank you for being my blood and belief.
Und wenn ich mir den Web-Shop so ansehe, geht bei Blaze nicht viel. Da ist kaum noch etwas drin, zB. keine Shirts oder sonstige Kleidung. Da fehlt wohl das Geld für Nachbestellungen. Deswegen bleibe ich bei meiner Meinung. Egal was er nun gemacht hätte, es wird nicht gut aufgenommen, die Musiker in Anstellung gelassen und nicht bezahlt, oder sich von Musikern trennen. Egal, beides hätte denen nicht gepasst.
Blaze hat halt die Seuche und leider absolut kein Talent fürs geschäftliche. Tut mir leid für ihn.
Mich ärgert es das es kein konstantes Blaze Line Up gibt. Sah doch gerade so aus, als gab es endlich mal wieder Konstanz...
Ich denke auch das Blaze pleite ist. Er hat ja kein richtiges Label, kein Management und keinen Vertrieb. Ich fand die Idee charmant, CDs quasi bei ihm persönlich auf seiner HP zu bestellen. Aber wie schon oben erwähnt, hat er da leider nicht den großen Reibach gemacht.
Er mußte vor ein paar Jahren ja auch diese unsägliche Polen Live DVD zu machen, um überhaupt genug Geld zu haben um mit seiner Band weiter zu machen. Das er die anderen Mitmusiker so entlassen hat, finde ich nicht ok.
Aber anscheinend gab es da auch Probleme mit den Kosten, die Kolumbianer immer wieder einzufliegen und Visa zu bekommen.
Zitat von bln_eddieWas ich mich Frage........ wenn er die "alte BAnd" nich bezahen konnte, wie bezahlt er dann die neue?? Oder habe ich da wat verkehrt verstanden??
Es ist wohl billiger wenn er solche lokalen Bands anheuert (oder ist das jetzt ein festes neues Lineup??), als wenn er mit seiner eigenen Band von Ort zu Ort reist.
Zitat von bln_eddieWas ich mich Frage........ wenn er die "alte BAnd" nich bezahen konnte, wie bezahlt er dann die neue?? Oder habe ich da wat verkehrt verstanden??
Es ist wohl billiger wenn er solche lokalen Bands anheuert (oder ist das jetzt ein festes neues Lineup??), als wenn er mit seiner eigenen Band von Ort zu Ort reist.
Ja er möchte lokale Coverbands nutzen, die meist keine oder wenig Gage verlangen. Übrigens kostet Blaze dadurch momentan anscheinend 1300pound in den Booking Agenturen, daher spielt er anscheinend öfters in kleinen Spelunken.