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The Clansmoff ( Gast )

16.08.2006 19:19
#126 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Muß ja nicht 1978 gewesen sein, es ist ja halbwegs deutlich, daß Breeg einige eher unschöne "Visionen" hat. Womöglich ist da der Bezug zum Krieg.

"No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain."

MetalEschi ( Gast )

16.08.2006 19:49
#127 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

hatten wir glaub ich schonmal, aber der Bezug zum krieg ist ja alleine schon durch sein Geburtsdatum gegeben.

ego Offline


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16.08.2006 20:06
#128 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Leute wo ist das Problem ? Für mich ist Benjamin Breeg der Vorgänger von Eddie. Also Eddie ist the Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg. Das passt auch weil Breeg in dem Jahr als Maiden ( also auch Eddie ) gegründet wurde gestorben ist !
Hand of Fate is moving and the Finger points to you!

RivFader ( Gast )

16.08.2006 20:27
#129 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von ego
Leute wo ist das Problem ? Für mich ist Benjamin Breeg der Vorgänger von Eddie. Also Eddie ist the Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg. Das passt auch weil Breeg in dem Jahr als Maiden ( also auch Eddie ) gegründet wurde gestorben ist !
Hand of Fate is moving and the Finger points to you!

Nicht ganz richtig. Maiden wurde 1975 gegründet und nicht 78.

ego Offline


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16.08.2006 20:33
#130 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

und eddie ? er erschien aber wohl später...
Hand of Fate is moving and the Finger points to you!

RivFader ( Gast )

16.08.2006 22:40
#131 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Das schon, wenn ich mich nicht irren sollte. Aber keine Ahnung, wann genau.

Captain Flint @ Treasure Island Offline

Metal God

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16.08.2006 23:29
#132 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von MetalEschi
hatten wir glaub ich schonmal, aber der Bezug zum krieg ist ja alleine schon durch sein Geburtsdatum gegeben.

Geburtsdatum??? Also auf meiner Single steht an der Stelle, an der eigentlich das Geburtsdatum stehen sollte, ein ganz großes "?" (Fragezeichen)!!!

The Clansmoff ( Gast )

17.08.2006 02:50
#133 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Laut dieser ominösen Homepage wurde er 1939 geboren. Mir ist allerdings nicht klar, inwiefern damit automatisch ein Bezug zum Krieg gegeben sein soll, dies wäre im Zweifel durch die Lyrics zu begründen. Um eine Reinkarnation eines in betreffendem Krieg gefallenen Soldaten zu sein ist das etwas früh, um selbst einen klaren Bezug dazu zu haben zu spät.
Zugegeben, das Datum passt auffallend, aber als einziger Bezug scheint mir das etwas schwach zu sein.
Ich meine allerdings aus den Lyrics einen irgendwie gearteten Bezug zu einem Krieg o.ä. herauszuhören, insofern mag es sein, daß da jemant (Steve?) einige Auffälligkeiten verketten wollte...

"No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain."

MetalEschi ( Gast )

17.08.2006 13:12
#134 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Der 3. September 1939 war kein unwesentlicher Tag, immerhin traten Großbritannien und Frankreich an diesem Tage dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bei.

!Zero! ( gelöscht )

17.08.2006 21:07
#135 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Also, 1978 geschah eigentlich nix spannendes außer den beiden Sachen hier:

- 25. Dezember: Vietnamesische Invasion Kambodschas
- 27. Dezember: Die Kommunisten übernehmen die Macht in Afghanistan

Naja...hat aber wohl kaum was mit den Amis zu tun..


Heady ( Gast )

18.08.2006 19:38
#136 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Nix spannendes?? HALLOOO, in dem Jahr bin ICH geboren worden :D:D tztztz :D.

Ich finds ganz putzig welche Theorien hier so aufgestellt werden! Wahnsinn, und ich dachte schon immer das ich nen ratsch weg hab mit meinen ganzen Verschwöhrungstheorien :D. RESPEKT JUNGS !!!
Webmaster des

fallen angel Offline

Metal Einsteiger

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20.08.2006 15:13
#137 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten


I feel that my search may be over.
The person who contacted me from Romania is coming to meet me.I feel that his arrival will finally give me the answers I seek regarding Benjamin Breeg. I can hardly contain myself at the thought of speaking to this man who says that he also has something else belonging to my cousin. He would not, however, be specific about what it was but he mentioned a journal. I wondered if he could mean my cousin's diary. But I could not imagine how or why this man would be in possession of Benjamin Breeg's diary.
The same diary from whose pages I have already read? Surely this cannot be.

The man is due to arrive in this country on 18th August. I only hope that the problems caused at the airports by the terrorist alerts do not prevent him from coming.However, he was most insistant that I not meet him at the airport. He said he would come to my house (I forwarded my address to him).

He also mentioned that he would tell me all he knew about my cousin. He hinted that Benjamin Breeg had taken something from him that he wanted returned but he would not say what it was.I cannot imagine my cousin was a thief and I am sure that the man will explain everything when he arrives.

I am nervous and excited at the prospect of this meeting.There is so much about my cousin that I need to learn and I cannot imagine this man would travel so far if the trip were not in his best interests.I eagerly await his arrival.There are many mysteries to be solved and I feel that he will provide the answers I have so far been unable to obtain.I must admit to finding his need for secrecy a touch irritating.I would have been only too happy to meet him wherever he arrived in this country but he was adamant I should not. Just as he was insistant I should be alone in the house when he arrived.
Most strange though is his reluctance to tell me his name.

He says I will learn the answer to this riddle when we meet. I hope so.
As I hope to discover the truth, at last, about Benjamin Breeg.



I have seen a painting by Benjamin Breeg. As far as I know it is the only one that still remains in existence. But, at last, I have seen it.

I returned from Paris yesterday (after encountering horrendous problems at the airports in both France and London because of the terrorist threats) having viewed the painting and my excitment has been almost uncontrollable ever since.To have finally seen one of the pieces of work my cousin created was a great thrill for me. Unfortunately, my excitment at seeing this creation was tempered somewhat by the fact that it has brought me no closer to discovering the whereabouts of my missing relative or to revealing what became of him. However, I hope that will be rectified very soon. For the time being I will content myself with having viewed something I thought I would never see.

The canvas is three feet square. I don’t know how well my photo will reproduced, but the work painted is signed in the bottom right hand corner simply B. BREEG.
I am certainly not an expert when it comes to matters of art but I would say that the work is an abstract painting. All the colours look to have been applied to the canvas with powerful, almost angry strokes.
However, immediately visible to me among the apparently random applications of paint is a face. I know from my research into my cousin that he painted what he saw in his dreams and this face certainly has the distorted and almost surreal quality that one would associate with a vision seen in the subconscious.
I could imagine him waking from one of these dreams and immediately committing the image to canvas. Anxious, possibly, to rid his mind of it as much as anything else.
It certainly wasn't very pleasant.

The owner of the painting (who, I must say, was extremely helpful and friendly during my stay) informed me that he himself had purchased it from a source in Romania.I was reminded of the e-mail containing the nine Romanian words that I received. Could the person who contacted the Benjamin Breeg website be the same one who had previously owned the painting I saw? I hope so but I fear that this is too much of a coincidence. My efforts to contact this person have remained useless and,
so far, I have had no further communication from him. As before, when I try to send e-mails back to the sender they are 'bounced'. Can I ask that person now, if they are looking at this site on a regular basis, to please contact me and leave an address where I can contact them by letter if necessary (I hope they understand English)

I took some photos of the painting with my camera so that at least I have a more permanent record of my cousin's work. Despite the fact that it is a little disturbing, it is still the only example I have of his quite obvious talent. If only I had more of his diary too. Perhaps then I would be in a position to discover what may have become of him.
One painting. Some pages from his diary and lots of hearsay and rumours are all I have at present. I need help but I don't know who it might come from.


Eleven saintly shroudet men
Silhouettes stand againts the sky
One in front with a cross held high
Come to wash my sins away

!Zero! ( gelöscht )

20.08.2006 17:41
#138 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

@fallen angel:
Ob's stimmt...:/

In Antwort auf:
Nix spannendes?? HALLOOO, in dem Jahr bin ICH geboren worden :D:D tztztz :D.

Ich finds ganz putzig welche Theorien hier so aufgestellt werden! Wahnsinn, und ich dachte schon immer das ich nen ratsch weg hab mit meinen ganzen Verschwöhrungstheorien :D. RESPEKT JUNGS !!!

OMG! Dann...dann bist wahrscheinlich du Breegs Reinkarnation!



English Trooper ( Gast )

20.08.2006 22:58
#139 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Ich denke es wird Eddie im richtigen Leben gewesen sein....Aber eins erstaunt mich...Wieso in aller Welt gehts hierbei immer um Rumänien??
Benjamin Breeg starb im 1978 und Eddie wurde geboren....

The weak moments of the head are often
the most beautiful hours of the heart!

MetalEschi ( Gast )

20.08.2006 23:19
#140 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von English Trooper
Ich denke es wird Eddie im richtigen Leben gewesen sein....Aber eins erstaunt mich...Wieso in aller Welt gehts hierbei immer um Rumänien??


Daphne ( Gast )

21.08.2006 09:59
#141 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Tja...immerhin gibts ne ganze fiktionale Biographie:

Benjamin Breeg (Born September 3rd, 1939, London) is believed to have been a writer and a painter that dissapeared on 1978 and hasn't been found since then. In the last couple of years, his cousin, A. Breeg (Name can't be found elsewhere) has been tracking him down, still with no more results than the discovery of one of his paintings, and a copy of one of his books.
After the deaths of his parents in a house fire in September, 1947, Breeg was sent to an orphanage in the East End. The cause of the fatal fire, to this day, remains unexplained. Breeg himself was present in the house at the time but escaped unharmed.

He was a bright child but very solitary, prompting one of his carers at the orphanage to state: "He has the demeanour of a child who seems to bear more weight upon his shoulders than any person should. What goes on behind his eyes makes one wonder what's troubling him." As well as his academic interests, Breeg also became interested in The Bible and expressed a desire to join the clergy.

Breeg was fostered by three families between 1947 and 1950 but each time, he was returned to the orphanage, unable to settle in any of the new homes that had offered to raise him.It was on his tenth birthday in 1949, that he began to experience nightmares that he himself later described as "the most vile and tortuous I have ever endured." Despite this, he went on to develop incredible talent as an artist and produced a large number of drawings, sketches and paintings. However, none of these survive and are believed to have been destroyed by Breeg himself. To this day, no one knows why. The subjects of these paintings, however, supposedly caused great consternation and distress among those who Breeg allowed to view them.

The verdict of one close friend who saw some of Breeg's work is as follows: "He says he paints what he sees. If this is true, I can only thank God I have no window into his mind."

Breeg's first job on leaving the orphanage, in 1954, was at a local Undertakers, where he was given the task of engraving headstones. His interest in the Bible had by now turned into what a colleague deemed to be "obsessive". He lived alone and little is known about his life between 1955 and 1959 other than that his interest in joining the clergy diminished. His obsession with the Bible, however, did not.

Breeg travelled widely between 1960 and 1970, visiting many different countries. Living for two years in Haiti before travelling to Eastern Europe where he lived between 1966 and 1969. He was forced to flee from Romania in 1969 following local Police investigations. He returned to England in March 1971. Upon his return, he was offered a position with the International Institute of Paranormal Investigation which he accepted.

Breeg wrote four books between 1971 and 1977. None of these, as far as can be ascertained, remain in print. All, however, concern the sights and cultures Breeg experienced while travelling. The emphasis in all four volumes is on the Occult practices of the countries visited.

Benjamin Breeg disappeared from his home on June 18th, 1978. All efforts to locate him proved unsuccessful.

There are some critics who believe that this entire story is a fabrication.

Soviel dazu....

***Wisdom starts where knowledge ends***

Helix666 ( Gast )

21.08.2006 16:59
#142 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Benjamin S. Breeg war ein amerikanischer Seemann und der Kapitän der Mary Celeste.Im Dezember 1872 entdeckte das Schiff „Dei Gratia" unter dem Kommando von Kapitän Morehouse die voll aufgetakelte, aber scheinbar steuerlos dahintreibende „Mary Celeste" einige hundert Meilen entfernt von den Azoren im Atlantik. Morehead, der den Kapitän der „Mary Celeste", Benjamin Breeg (der mit seiner Frau und seiner zwei Jahre alten Tochter reiste) kannte, entschied sich zu einer Untersuchung und stellte fest, dass die „Mary Celeste" völlig verlassen war, von der Besatzung keine Spur, die letzte Logbucheintragung zwei Wochen alt. Das Schiff war teilweise voll gelaufen, aber noch schwimmfähig, die Ladung (reiner Alkohol, der zur Weinvergärung in Frankreich vorgesehen war) unberührt.Das Rätsel um das spurlose Verschwinden der gesammten Mannschaft konnte bis heute nicht geklärt werden.

!Zero! ( gelöscht )

21.08.2006 17:09
#143 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

@Helix666: Quelle?

In Antwort auf:
Aber eins erstaunt mich...Wieso in aller Welt gehts hierbei immer um Rumänien??

..weil der Text auf dem Grabstein rumänisch ist...ergo muss Breeg wohl in Rumänien begraben worden sein.

Heinz ( Gast )

22.08.2006 01:06
#144 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Ich weiß nicht, ob es schon jemanden aufgefallen ist, aber bei der englische Websiten könnte es sich auch um eine PR-Aktion handeln, die von Maidens Plattenfirma initiiert wurde. Warum sollte z.B. die Wahrheit über B. Breeg gerade am 14.8.2006 ans Licht kommen, dem Erscheinungsdatum der Single in GB?.

MetalEschi ( Gast )

22.08.2006 10:13
#145 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Heinz
Ich weiß nicht, ob es schon jemanden aufgefallen ist, aber bei der englische Websiten könnte es sich auch um eine PR-Aktion handeln, die von Maidens Plattenfirma initiiert wurde. Warum sollte z.B. die Wahrheit über B. Breeg gerade am 14.8.2006 ans Licht kommen, dem Erscheinungsdatum der Single in GB?.

Ja, es ist eine PR-Aktion. Das is so gut wie sicher.

banjamin breeg ( Gast )

23.08.2006 09:35
#146 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

cool, dass ihr euch so viele gedanken um mich macht. müsst ihr aber nicht, mir gehts saugut.

ps: noch zwei tage

up the irons

TheTrooper666 ( gelöscht )

23.08.2006 12:17
#147 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Um dich? Soweit ich weiß heißt die Person nach der wir forschen "BEnjamin Breeg", nicht "Banjamin".

Wickerman ( gelöscht )

24.08.2006 15:59
#148 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

Benjamin Breeg ist auf Platz 43 der deutschen Single Charts. Das stand heute im Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, gepaart mit einem lächerlichen Kommentar, Maiden würden Blair Witch Projekt mäßige Dramatisierung mit der Homepage von Breeg betreiben.
Maiden sind Menschen!!!

moe-fisto ( Gast )

24.08.2006 17:26
#149 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten
Ist die Single also doch in der Chartwertung vertreten. Denn laut Rod Smallwood war das gar nicht sicher:
"The CD single comes with a B-side of "Hallowed Be Thy Name" from the BBC Radio 1 Legends Session. Due to the overall length of the two songs, the single may not necessarily be eligible for chart inclusion, though manager Rod Smallwood has said on the official website that this will not stop the single being released, even if it is non-chart eligible."

Jedenfalls scheinen da die Amazon/bol/Weltbild/-Verkäufe nicht mit reinzufallen, da die Single dort jeweils seit 2 Wochen in den Top 10 steht und die Verkäufe nominell sicher nicht unerheblich sein dürften.

Flash of the Blade Offline

Eddies Pate

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24.08.2006 18:16
#150 RE: Benjamin Breeg ??? Zitat · Antworten

In Antwort auf:
Benjamin Breeg ist auf Platz 43 der deutschen Single Charts. Das stand heute im Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, gepaart mit einem lächerlichen Kommentar, Maiden würden Blair Witch Projekt mäßige Dramatisierung mit der Homepage von Breeg betreiben.

Stand das da?
Dann hab ich wohl die Zeitung nicht richtig durchgeblättert.
Welche Seite/Weiler Teil war das denn?

You'll die as you lived
In a Flash of the Blade

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